7 years ago305 words
Finally, I no longer have exam revision distracting me all the time! Well, for the most part, anyway.
I haven't got the time/energy at the moment to write a decent post or reply to specific comments on the other one, but I wanted to post
something just because I imagine it can be worrying to see someone talk about suicide then go weeks without saying anything. It's not uncommon for me to go weeks without posting, but still. I'm still alive, anyway!
Recently I've spent much of my time and energy preparing for exams... or rather, procrastinating instead of doing that, feeling bad about it, and generally not using my time wisely. I have two exams, but only one was a real concern; I finished that one on Thursday. I don't know if I did
well, but it's over now, at least. I've got another coming up in a couple of weeks, but revising for it should be less of a concern. That's why I've not been posting anyway; I've not been able to do a lot of things I wanted to because I had to worry about that (and of course depression drains me of energy so I have little of it to spare most days).
I replied to the email from my dissertation supervisor that I mentioned in the previous post, but I haven't heard back from her yet, and don't know if I will. It's more of a relief than a disappointment, though.
I've also done some more work on Embracing Eternity, though not much. I'm planning to post about that in the coming days.
For now, I'm just trying to rest and recover a bit. Thanks as always to those of you who leave comments on my posts, though; I do read and appreciate them even if I don't reply!