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Site Changes
7 years ago617 words
I've updated the layout of this site a bit for the first time since it was made (I think), so I just wanted to comment about that. I've also been wondering what I should actually do with this site in general; what kinds of things people might actually come here wanting to read.

Essentially, I've added a sidebar (or a section below all other posts on mobiles) for 'notable posts', which is a thing that a lot of blogs and blog-like sites seem to do, from what little I've seen. These are the posts that I consider still relevant or active, and which I'd want to direct curious wanderers to, to give a feel for what kind of things I write about here.

(You might need to do a hard page refresh if it looks weird.)

While briefly skimming through the backlog of posts, though, I noticed that there were few that I'd actually want to direct people to, and most of those are about creative projects that I might not even continue with. Most of the posts in general are me venting about my various issues, embarrassingly, because I primarily used this blog as an outlet while ~suffering~ at university. Now that that's over, I still feel sad and drained and ugh and everything, but less like I experience emotional trauma on a regular basis because I've been having no human interaction that would do that to my aberrant mind. I've been posting more often and with things like my creative efforts, but views on each post have been going down. Maybe it's because I'm posting too frequently, but it does make me wonder what people might actually want to read here, and whether I'm posting things that some or most people just don't care about. (Or maybe it's just the Summer and people are busy elsewhere, or people lose interest in me because I haven't produced anything finished in years, or, or... There are many possibilities.)

Originally, I made this blog to serve as somewhere I'd post about my efforts to overcome my mind's defects, rather than openly dwelling in them. It's why it's called Taming the Mind, after all! And it seems that it could be appeal to a wide audience if I wrote posts that are relatable and aimed at the reader, rather than just me talking about myself. I'm unsure whether I could do that, but it's something that's been on my mind.

I've also built a site about some more 'spiritual' sorts of topics that I've been meaning to talk about/open to the public for a few weeks now, but it's not finished yet so I've yet to post about it here. I might just use that place to talk about more widely relatable aspects of being a human, more hopefully helpful stuff, so I might just keep using this as a place to vent and post creative work. I don't know, though.

I started writing a post today - inspired by comments on the last one - where I went over some of my old art and music, choosing a few favourites for each year from 2003 to now and describing them a bit. I find it interesting because it's my life, but I don't know if anyone would care to read that, especially if it's obnoxiously long. Or maybe I could split it up, covering a year or two a day for a week or two?

Also, would anyone be interested in me setting up some kind of mailing list thing, where you add your email address to the list using a thing on the sidebar so then you get an email every time I add a new post?