Mailing List
7 years ago224 words
I've added a simple mailing list which you can add your email address to, so then you'll be notified whenever I add a new post.
How it should work is that when you enter your email address, you'll get an email at that address confirming that it worked. If you want to unsubscribe, you need to enter the same email in the same box and press the same Confirm button, and you should get an email confirming you've been removed from the list.
I've tried it with three email addresses, and it worked with two, but I can't see the confirmation emails in any of my Gmail inboxes for whatever reason. So if you add your email to the list and don't get notified, please let me know! There might be something I've done or not done that means it isn't getting through, even if it's working for other email providers.
Oh, and since I know some people are reluctant to give away their email addresses in case they're put to nefarious use, I'll say that I've no desire or intention to do anything with them other than have the server send emails to them whenever there's a new post. Hopefully the kind of content I post here demonstrates that I'm not some dodgy company that preys on people for their own heartless benefit!