Male Sindrels! And a Bit About Incels vs Femcels
7 years ago989 words
Here's a (relatively) brief addition to what I talked about in the previous post!
Firstly, I've added these to the game that I talked about
∞ last time ∞. Male sindrels! How exciting. You should read that other post if you don't know what I'm talking about.
Here's an ugly male envying another's happy handsomeness:
Here are two males blatantly ogling a somehow blissfully oblivious female:
Many complex and nuanced conversation options are available for male-female interactions:
It turned out better than expected! The female model was used as a base, but I think this turned out quite masculine-looking. The relative proportions make the females look more neonatal, childlike, which fits with our human beauty standards so I think it works.
Also, after days of frantic productivity, the exhaustion has hit hard, and I'm back to being sluggish and depressed. SIGH. I'm trying to work around it though, by paying attention to when my body's most naturally active. The circadian rhythm controls
so much of how we feel and what we're capable of throughout the day, and there are some times when the body's just not producing enough of the right chemicals for productivity to be possible. I seem to feel the least fatigued in the evenings, though I imagine disruptions to my sleep times have thrown things into disarray and it'll take some time to settle.
The previous post was over 10,000 words long, which was too long! It should really have been split up into two, with one part being about the real-world issues that most people would have thoughts about, and another being about the game idea. With that in mind, the longer post I've been working on would definitely be way too long, so I'll split that up into many different parts, I think. I'll post one of them soon.
I won't talk
too much more about it here, but I've been reading more about the mate-finding stuff I talked about in the previous post, from both sides. MGTOW, red pill, incels, etc, but also 'red pill women' and 'femcels' (female incels, of course). The male spaces remain male spaces, but while the females are using their spaces to talk about their own, similar issues from their perspective, men keep barging in to tell them how wrong their worldview is, and it's just frustrating to see (though I suppose that's to be expected since I'm looking at these on Reddit, which is male-dominated). The women say that they've not got male attention because they're ugly. "Lies!" says an unwelcome man, "you just want to bang Chad and you're sad that you can't divorce-rape him!" (or whatever). How is it so hard to understand that people with low sex appeal might struggle in the mating game regardless of their sex? Why is it difficult to see other struggling people as fellow humans in need of help rather than vile Others who speak only lies?
I suppose the very existence of such women challenges the schema of the world the men have built up. In it,
all women can find men much more easily than men can find women - women are 'playing on easy mode' - so the idea of any woman struggling creates cognitive dissonance and leads to an attempt to 'debunk' the inconsistency? Because if his worldview's not true, then there's less of a comforting reason for why he's suffering. I don't know; I'm just speculating.
It's like there's this weird war between incels and femcels, anyway, with each side inventing insulting nicknames for the other that reduce them to less-than-humans ("femoids", "moids"), calling them out on their hypocrisy, etc. Both sides accuse the other of
actually wanting a partner with a much higher value than themselves, but denying it; they
could have sex, they say, but don't want to because they're only willing to for a Stacy/Chad, therefore they're celibate voluntarily, not involuntarily.
Surely it's not difficult to understand that everyone would
prefer an attractive partner? Personally, I'm not attractive in terms of mate value, but that doesn't mean that I'd be content with someone who wasn't themselves at least of average attractiveness (I wouldn't want someone 'sexy' in the eyes of others, or well-adjusted personality-wise in a way I couldn't relate to, but I would want someone slim). It's unfair, and it's one of the biggest reasons I don't feel it'll lead to any mutual satisfaction if I do try to find a partner, so it's best to find peace in solitude instead. I feel that what I can get isn't what I'd want, and I don't want someone to feel unhappy because I'm not happy with them.
I mentioned MGTOW in the previous post as a source of psychological strength for me when I came across it, but it's definitely not due to the misogynistic, hyper-masculine community or attitudes associated with it. It's more because it presented not finding a partner as a viable option, which is the same kind of relief as finding out you don't have to go to school today, or something. For me, it's not "I don't NEED women!", but rather "perhaps it's possible to survive without one" and "rather than relieving my pain, there's the possibility that relationships might only add to it" (and past experience suggests that's true). I wouldn't personally want to be a part of any of these communities, but it's interesting to look at them from a distance, to learn more about the concerns that many people have and the ways they've chosen to cope with them.
Anyway, I've been spending too much time doing that today. I suppose I'm working through some important-feeling thoughts, trying to arrive at the most psychologically healthy and least bigoted mental place, and it's taking time!