Ramble 30 (Edited)
7 years ago445 words
I've composed another one of these long piano music things!
Here's a link:
Ramble 30
Much of what I said in
∞ the post about Ramble 28 ∞ is true for this one, too. It's a musical 'sketchbook page' exploring many ideas, but it's also possibly a journey, or a story, with the imagery being up to your interpretation. I came up with my title for it (Ancient Alien Architects) towards the end, and it didn't guide the actual composition. I imagined pyramids being built in a desert, with the help of aliens, like those beliefs some people have about the construction of the ones in Egypt.
Ramble 29 is yet another that I didn't finish, annoyingly!
I wrote in a previous post about my composing abilities that I lack confidence using chords, and I feel that composing these is definitely helping a lot with that. When I listen back to my old rambles from years ago, it's obvious to me that I didn't know what I was doing; there's a whole lot of harshness and dissonance, and very little movement between different chords (I tended to go back and forth between two chords a lot), or strange jumps that make no sense. Now, I feel like I'm much more in control of - and thoughtful about - the chords that I'm using, and I feel that it makes the music much more colourful and easy on the ears.
There's a certain colour of music that I adore in compositions by others, and which I've always hoped to capture but didn't know how. I still don't even know how to actually describe what I mean! I feel that this one's much closer to that than anything I've composed before, so I'm quite pleased with it, despite its imperfections.
When composing, though, it feels like familiarity is my enemy... When I add a new bit and listen back to it, often it doesn't sound quite right, but the more I listen to it, the more 'right' it sounds. It's difficult, then, to know how this would sound to ears that aren't mine. I suppose most listeners don't scrutinise every note like the composer would, though; they likely just hear the general gist of the piece as a whole.
Anyway, hopefully you'll get something out of this, though I realise this kind of music isn't everyone's cup of tea!
(I don't imagine anyone would really notice or care, but I edited it a bit! It means I had to reupload it because Soundcloud doesn't allow files to be changed without paying for a pro subscription... which is really annoying.)