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Brain Surgery's Tomorrow
6 years ago355 words
I'm anxious about that, shockingly!

Though not as anxious as I have been about some fairly mundane things in the past, like meeting up with some person for something vaguely social. I suppose I've had a long time to think about this, to mentally prepare myself, and it'll mostly just involve me lying there having things done to me rather than actively doing anything, so there's no pressure to perform or make a good impression as such.

Some part of my feels strongly that this is the end, even hopes that it is, while another part is just assuming I'll be entirely unchanged and it'll be business as usual before I know it. Maybe the reality will be somewhere between those two things.

Anyway, I've apparently got a Twitter account which I've had for a while but haven't used in ages, here:

∞ This is a link to a Twitter account! ∞

(I would have preferred to make a fresh one with a different name, but that one seems to have been barely used anyway and I've got one for both of my email addresses for some reason?)

I'll use that to report on how the surgery goes since it seems easier than updating this thing. Plus it might help me psychologically to be able to shout into the void about the process even if nobody's actually listening.

So yes. I won't say anymore, since there's not really much more I can say. Maybe I'll be dead or disabled tomorrow, maybe I'll be fine and all this will look like melodrama in hindsight.

One of the annoying things is that I'll have to wake up at like 3am, and set off for a two-hour car journey (my parents will be taking me; even if I could drive, I wouldn't for this!) at like 5am to get there for 7am... So that's going to be fun.

If this is the last post I ever make, then I wish you all the best in your lives, and thank you for following me if you're one of the people who has done!