Re Disqus' Spam Filter
6 years ago246 words
Just a quick update: this blog uses a thing called Disqus for its comments, and for ages now people have been saying that their comments have been marked as spam for seemingly no reason. I've finally found a way to restore those comments, but I still don't know why they're getting marked as spam in the first place!
I remember looking into this in the past more than once, but for reasons that completely elude me, I never thought to check Disqus' admin control panel's 'spam' section. Turns out that's where the comments marked as spam show up. Who'd have thought?
It seems there are a whole lot of them in there too, which is so annoying because there are way more good comments than actual spam. Each one of them is marked with a little tab saying why it's there, and while some obvious spam ones say "Low Rep" and "Contains link", most of them just say "No issue detected". Then why on Earth are they being marked as spam??
I'll make a point of checking this spam section every day from now on so I can restore comments that shouldn't be there, but sorry if you've ever commented and your post just didn't appear! I wish I'd found the solution to this much earlier. This is why I'd rather just make my own comment sections/communities... though I suppose I couldn't handle the hassle at the moment so this'll have to do for now.