Alora Fane Site, MSS Release Date, Looking to the Future
6 years ago638 words
I've been working on the
∞ ∞ site, with a blog there specifically for games development stuff. There's a post there with a release date for Memody: Sindrel Song! Also, a little bit about where I'm planning to go from here.
First, I want to mention that I have a Twitter account that I rarely use at @Alora_Fane, but I've set up another at @AloraFaneGames, to create a separation much like the one between this personal blog and the Alora Fane blog. I'm getting help running that from Johannas Garden, who's been supporting me and commenting here over the past few months. I'm immensely grateful for her help, since public relations are something I'm awful at and largely avoidant of. So the posts on that account will mostly be from her, and I imagine my work will gain - and keep! - more eyes on it this way.
There are people in the world who snipe and troll and shoot others down, criticise at the first chance they get, and that often sours my opinion of 'other people' in a general sense, makes me want to isolate myself. But then there are people like this - and some of the other testers too - whose assistance and support make me rethink that, give me hope. I feel fortunate to have been found by such people!
Now that Sindrel Song is done, I've been trying to redirect my mind towards what I can work on next. I've got some ideas, some fleshed out, but nothing concrete just yet.
On the Alora Fane site, I've written out a sketchy Lore section, describing some of the stuff I've already talked about elsewhere over the years, like on the old version of the site. I intend to flesh it out later, but I've been seriously struggling with motivation and mental health stuff recently so I've not been able to do as much as I'd like.
...Originally I vented about that at length in this post, now that that's this blog's purpose, but like with many entries I write but decide against posting because I don't like how they've turned out, I won't inflict that on the world right now. Maybe it's something I'll return to when I'm thinking more clearly.
Alora Fane has six 'petal' worlds (plus a central Nexus), which would be interesting to explore in future games. Some of my ideas aren't specifically derived from this setting, but could be moulded to fit within in. Sindrel Song wasn't a game set in that world eventually, though I feel that changing the sindrel species to what they are now is a good idea. I want to change all the races and places at least a bit, and I'll likely rename a lot of them and rethink a lot of the lore. Taming Dreams probably isn't canon anymore!
I'll likely post soon with something clearer; this is mostly just a general announcement! I'll probably post about a game idea on Alora Fane, and about some personal stuff here, in the coming days.
I also haven't replied to some comments from a post about NAKED FURRIES a few days ago, despite wanting to, and I feel bad about that. I looked over them though and wondered whether my replies would be irrelevant now? I've addressed that particular issue to some degree, after all.
Also, this blog's 'main colour' is a shade of teal, as teal's my favourite colour (to an obsessive degree). Alora Fane's a different, bluer shade of teal, and after looking at that site for a while, this one looks
way more green than it did to me before! Interesting how colour perception works.
It probably looks terrible on mobiles, by the way; I've not had the motivation to do anything about that yet.