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Memody: Sindrel Song - Now On Steam!
5 years ago361 words
I've ∞ released Memody: Sindrel Song on Steam now! ∞

If you've got something nice to say about it, I'd really appreciate some reviews! And of course I'd appreciate sales too.

I can't imagine it'll sell many copies since I'm not promoting it and it's, well, what it is, but at least now I can say I have a game on Steam, so that's something! Overall it's been a big learning experience, and I know better now what to do - or not do - with future games.

It also helped me deal with the cancer and demons in my brain; making it was cathartic. So it was beneficial for that reason if nothing else. And I think it's impressive that I made it alone while struggling with literal brain cancer and severe mental illness, but perhaps expecting the fruit of so broken a brain to be widely palatable is unreasonable.

If you give it a go, I hope you get something out of it!

If you encounter any issues, let me know. I don't think there should be any, but I'm just one person and could only test it so much, so we'll see.

Some last minute testing is presenting me with a previously unseen bug, where the Progress screen doesn't properly appear at the end of a song. It only seems to be affecting songs I've already got 200% completion on though? And it's definitely related to the Steam achievements system I've implemented, so I doubt it'll affect anyone on day one. I'll look into it anyway. Let me know if you encounter anything similar to this, or any other achievement-related issues.

They should work and they did before, though; I've managed to get all the achievements fairly myself. So I don't know what's going on.

There's supposed to be a Soundtrack available too, with both together in a bundle for a reduced price (which seems to be a common way to do this), but it's not been approved yet, so I don't know when that'll appear. I won't delay the release waiting though.

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