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WU 2020-11P - Corona, Brain, Maybe PS4
4 years ago - Edited 4 years ago688 words
Coronavirus is changing the world! My brain's not as bad as I thought! Maybe I should get a PS4 (again)!

The Coronavirus continues to be a thing! It's strange to see from my bubble how it's forcing others to retreat into theirs. I'm also wondering whether it'll lead to any significant and permanent societal shifts, like an introduction of Universal Basic Income. I've been waiting for that for a while, since I've not made enough money from my games to support myself (yet?). So that'll be interesting to see. Or maybe the villains of the world will use this opportunity to start wars or commit crimes, or the world will just fall into chaos because of human stupidity and fear. Who knows.

I've also been wondering whether or not now's a good time to be focusing on making my silly game. It seems strange to focus on anything other than the global pandemic that's ravaging the globe, when everyone else is being sent home from their 'real' jobs, in some cases permanently. Perhaps the abundance of free time people will have while isolating makes it a good time, though, as they'll be more in search of games to play? Not that I'll be finished for a long while, but still. I can't help but wonder whether what I spend my time doing is actually worthwhile for the world. Not like I can change paths now, though.

Last week, I wrote about some concerns I'd had about my brain tumour symptoms returning. That led to rescheduling my next brain scan for next week, though thankfully those symptoms have subsided now, so I was going to try to change the appointment again. I feel bad about being a bother to medical staff during this hard time, though... I actually ended up getting a call from them about rescheduling anyway, so I didn't have to push through my various mental illnesses to actually make the call. But I said something that made the whole thing really awkward and ended up cringing hard about it for a whole day anyway. Yaaay. I do so love the demons in my head.

Other than all that, I've been playing Ori and the Will of the Wisps these past few days! I'm very impressed! I'll write a post about that when I'm done.

I also just learned that the Final Fantasy VII Remake (or at least the first part of it, since they're splitting it up) will be out very soon... for the PS4, which I don't have. I talked about getting one in a post a while back, but forgot about it, as is often the case with ideas I have. I've been wondering whether to replay the original Final Fantasies since I'm making a game heavily inspired by them, but I'd also really like to play the remake since it's to the original what Divine Dreams is to MARDEK, sort of. So I'd like to see how they handled things. Maybe it'd make sense to play them back-to-back, then. Things take so much time, though, especially huge RPGs like that! Ori and the etc seems short, but even that's taking me days because I spend my time on other things.

I also want to play Kingdom Hearts 3, so that's another reason to get a PS4. Apparently they're around £250-300, and that's not even including the cost of the games. I didn't get Octopath Traveler because it was a fraction of that price... Hmm.

Also, I know I've talked for a while about going out and promoting, but never get around to that. I'm getting to the point with development now where I can almost make a video, or even a short demo, so I think I'll stick with it until I get there so then I actually have something to show off. That's another week off, maybe? Two? Feels weird to think of trying to generate interest in this with the Coronavirus stuff, but it seems content creators in general are just doing their usual stuff...

I hope the terrible pandemic isn't affecting you too terribly, whoever's taken the time to read this!


Corona hasn't affected me too much so far, it did make me work from home this week since I've had some coughing fits over the week. Nothing that impairs my ability to work, but also not something one'd go outside with in the current circumstances. Being an introverted shut-in, it's not affected me too much, though I must admit it feels really weird to work from home since if it weren't for the whole pandemic thing I'd be working from the office.

At least it means I can work in my pajamas, which is neat.

A lot of people have been turning to gaming to pass the time! Makes sense, gaming is the exact sort of thing people can do whilst being shut-in.

It's good to hear the symptoms have subsided! Now more than ever I imagine a trip to the hospital would be a nuisance.

I'm not too familiar with FF7 myself, but I did see a playthrough of that demo that was put out. It seems like it's still very far from finished though, I wonder how much they've actually planned ahead?

I am reading the game's going to be a timed exclusive, so I imagine it will come to PC eventually anyway.

I've mostly been playing Epic Battle Fantasy 5, it's quite the time sink! My run's almost clocking in at 50 hours, and though I am nearing the endgame, I still have various optional challenges and whatnot left. My next foe in that game is God, because of course being a JRPG there has to be a fight with God. And of course God is a Super Saiyan cat, because Epic Battle Fantasy.

Now I wonder whether the MARDEK remake is going to end with a battle against the Aolmna or something.
Tobias 1115~4Y
I never wear anything other than pyjamas these days, and it feels so slobby, but it's just so comfortable!

I'm surprised you've not played FFVII, since it's the biggest of that well-known series and probably the archetypal JRPG in a lot of people's minds. I wonder how you'd feel playing it (the original) now as someone who's not an impressionable child, if you ever decided to; I'm imagining that if I return to it now that I'm grown, there's a lot I'll see as less-than-great in a way I didn't originally! I remember barely understanding the plot, and I definitely didn't pick up any subtle imagery or metaphors because I was too young.

Interesting that the Epic Battle Fantasy games are that long! When was that one released? I wonder if I'll ever actually play those...

KILLING GOD does seem to be a JRPG convention! And this is called Divine Dreams... But I'm hoping to be at least a little bit more subtle than that! Maybe. I actually haven't fully finished planning the story, come to think of it; that's probably something I should return to sooner rather than later!
One of the first things I always do after finishing dinner when getting home is putting on my pajamas. My parents don't really like it, but they can't stop me, I'm an adult so I get to make adult decisions like that!!

My relationship with the FF is mostly one of an outsider! I only started playing some entries past my teenage years, and there's a lot of numbered titles I've not played, so even though I like JRPGs as a concept, there's a lot of big ones I've never played! A friend of mine has suggested I play a modded version of FF7 that fixes up the localization as well as generally rebalances the gameplay, but I dunno when to get to that given I already have quite a backlog of games.

EBF5 was launched on 30th November 2018, but it got a huge 2.0 update around February 2020, so that's when I started playing even though I'd bought it long before that update came out. If you ever do jump into the series, I'd just skip right to 5, since that one is a soft reboot of the franchise anyway and by far the best one.

I am very curious just what is up with the Aolmna! The generic JRPG way would be for them to be evil all along and for The Nexus and Unisis to be one big evil scheme to collect Barbari souls or whatever. The Elarna were right all along!!

I hope the remake can answer those burning questions! Surely it's going to turn out the Elarna were righteous Goblins and the Aolmna are actually a stand-in for the player in a fourth wall-shattering extremely meta twist!
Ah yes, COVID-19 has kicked me out of my uni housing and relegated me to online classes, but we'll survive (as long as people don't rampantly stockpile insulin--in which case, eh, things could get tricky)--

Ahhhh, again, I will echo my sentiment that I'm glad you're enjoying Ori! I spent way to long listening to "Dashing and Bashing" today, which I believe is the track that plays in Kwolok's Hollow once you unlock, you guessed it, dashing and bashing. Anywho.

I suppose if you're interested in the FFVII remake, you'd maybe consider FFXV as well? At least since that's also on the PS4--but they're... certainly different games haha. Oh well. Glad to hear symptoms are subsiding as well~
Tobias 1115~4Y
I heard about uni students being sent home, and imagined it must be quite surreal! Students are missing out on a lot by not being physically around their peers, but maybe this is just training everyone for a future where being around others won't be the norm anyway? It's all very strange!

I'm waiting until I finish the game before checking out the soundtrack, since that's what I always do, but hearing you liked that track will likely make it more enjoyable for me now! That tends to happen.

I've already played FFXV! A couple of years ago, I think? I've played all the series except FFXIV, because it's an MMO (though I did play XI), and some of the many spin-offs. I got FFXV on Steam, and it's definitely different to the others, but it's definitely an experience I fondly remember. Speaking of music, I was really impressed by the soundtrack from that, with the ludicrously over-the-top APOCALYPSIS NOCTIS track standing out as particularly powerful.
Ahhh, I recalled you talking about FFXV, but I wasn't positive--apologies. Anyhow.

Side note, I'm extremely embarrassed by the fact that I used "to" instead of "too," but... too late now--
Tobias 1115~4Y
I thought I replied to this days ago, but apparently not! I was just going to say I literally didn't notice the error you pointed out, and I wanted to say that because I worry people will pick up on and judge me for every little mistake I make! Most people don't notice or care though, relievingly.
I certainly understand making silly mistakes like that in my writing all the time, especially if I can't be bothered to read through it more than once; so trust me when I say if you're ever doing it, I ain't judging--
It is quite interesting to see the political changes that come about because of COVID19. Just the massive changes in corporate business will, I think, have HUGE impacts on the upcoming lobbying efforts across the world (but presumably mostly in the united states).

Some people pretend COVID19 is the beginning of the end of the world, but I think it might largely push the end of the world just a bit further away, what with pollution diminishing massively worldwide, and the establishment slowly collapsing in the marketplace.

A somewhat unrelated event is the crash of the oil enterprise, largely occurring due to Russia and Saudi Arabia just wanting to steamroll everyone and produce as much oil as they can (my father told me that in Canada Alberta, whose economy is extremely reliant on oily-sands is just giving up because the oil barrel cost just dropped way too low). If this results in the shift in lobbying to be expected (the extinction rebellion and Gretta Thunberg were shunned by a counter-manifestation when they arrived in Alberta), Canada might shift even more to the left and go pro-environment. ...if things go well, that is.

I've seen UBI being pushed around as a result of COVID19 but didn't really look into it. Something about wage labor not making sense when most people don't work, because nobody can buy anything, and businesses not selling anything is a bigger problem than people getting things without working. I largely consider myself a communist, so I think this OBVIOUSLY makes sense! I hope such changes to social policy do come to pass and make your financial life easier!
Tobias 1115~4Y
I don't know anything about politics and it's been a mistake trying to talk about that here in the past, so I won't, but I have seen quite a bit about UBI being started because of those reasons you mentioned. So I wonder whether it'll start out of necessity and keep going because of the benefits. I've also read that because people can't work, widespread automation might be hastened, which would change the world quite drastically too. Maybe my stupidly-chosen path - where I do creative stuff from home - might turn out to have been not such a bad decision after all, in the long run??
Talking about politics is indeed something largely unpleasant online--it does lead to insults and name-calling annoyingly fast, and whereas there is a strong leaning towards intolerance in right-wing mentalities, the academic leaning of the left means it is often highly critical of a myriad small things, which are often blown out of proportion (either by opponents of left-wing mentalities seeking to ridicule them, or by overly passionate left wing advocates themselves).

Most left-wing youtubers I follow have been victims of outrage both from the left and the right, for these very reasons. And they're very researched and careful about peoples' sensibilities, too!

It's such a big problem, Contrapoints has made a nearly two-hours long video discussing the ludicrousness of this toxicity, and their effects on her own life and others' -- and later, Philosophy Tube made a separate parallel about the same situation, but from his perspective.

Why am I saying this? Well, I guess... I'm more and more interested by "politics" now, and I find it quite disheartening that it's so difficult to talk about it--it doesn't help that different people have different ideas of what "political" means; some get upset about having gay representation, or having male characters expressing their feelings more openly, or having female leads... others find it natural.

Needless to say, I "get" that you don't want to talk about this, especially as an authority (which is almost your only option, given the blog medium)... I do wonder whether it'd be possible to frame one more as a conversation, but even that seems risky. Sigh.
Society needs its artists and poets, of which I consider you one. And I think for most people changes are best done locally. Only national politicians and global corporate officers can reasonably be expected to have a direct hand in those matters.

In other news, COVID-19 has actually been a direct reason that chat services like Discord and various game developers have been promoting their stuff for. "Practice self-isolation by using our product!"

Tobias 1115~4Y
Using the self-isolation to encourage sales makes sense, but seems so slimy to me, though it shouldn't since it's only trying to bring value to something imposed on people... At the same time, I wish I were closer to release so then I could take advantage of it! But who knows how long it'll last!
People are going stir-crazy. I'd say now is a good time to release something people can enjoy without leaving their houses.
I'm a healthcare provider, so things have changed a lot, and are changing daily. As cases in my state are still manageable, (but rising..) my work has actually overall decreased in the short term as we postpone all nonessential visits. We all expect it to rise a lot though, but hard to predict when and in what ways.. Especially since practice regulations and recommendations seem to change hourly at times.

There will obviously be a lot of lasting impacts on the world after the virus itself is dealt with: economical, political, social, etc. Especially since a lot of the decisions made to combat the virus disproportionately negatively impact people who are poor. I hope though that this ultimately causes people and systems to change their habits and regulations for the better.
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Tobias 1115~4Y
When I first decided to devote my life to sitting in my room making games, it felt great to have what felt like a long, long holiday... but it really does take its toll on you. It's why I had to give it up a while back. The whole pandemic thing's certainly rushing the process for everyone now though... I'm wondering how long it'll be until everyone's insane!

I feel sort of embarrassed about Sindrel Song, or rather worried about what the hivemind might make of it, or something. Maybe I shouldn't be, I don't know. I'll probably re-release the old MARDEK soon though. That "spreading the curve" concept is interesting if true; I got the impression it was more common to just pin everything on release week, and for the sales graphs to be L-shaped with a small tall start and a long flat plateau... I remember reading that Flappy Bird was completely unknown until a few months after its release though, when it blew up, but I suppose cases like that are rare!
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