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MARDEK Changes and Progress
5 years ago963 words
Here are the changes that I've made to the Steam version of MARDEK, based on suggestions.

I looked through all the comments, and I've made a lot of the suggested changes, though not all. Some were altered based on my own judgement, while others either were too difficult technically or didn't seem right to me.

I've got a txt file which will be included with the game, which contains this:

There are some minor statistical changes in this version of MARDEK compared
to the original browser version. They were all requested by players who've
played MARDEK a lot over the past decade and familiarised themselves with
every detail. Most of them wouldn't impact a casual playthrough at all, but
they should help out players aiming for 100% completion.

The changes are as follows:

* Golem - now has 5% chance of dropping Jade
* Centaur (F) - has a 1% chance of dropping a Rune Shield
* Zombie Locksmith has a 100% chance of dropping a Keyblade instead of 50%
* Revenant has a 50% chance of dropping a Sun Axe instead of 5%
* Punk Monster's Monster Fang drop rate changed from 10% to 25%
* Rexaurus's Monster Fang drop rate changed from 10% to 50%
* Moric (as Social Fox) now drops a Wolfblade (100% of the time)
* I-Orb's drop rate for Crystal Tears changed from 20% to 40%
* Rot Rate's drop rate for LeadPipe changed from 30% to 50%
* Axolotl's drop rate for Bone Axe changed from 5% to 20%
* Blood Zombie now has a 15% chance to drop a BloodOpal
* Fallen Paladin's drop rate for Rending Eye changed from 50% to 100%
* Fallen Cultling's drop rate for Clerical Mace changed from 10% to 25%
* Trilobite Warrior's drop rate for Trilobite Staff changed from 20% to 50%
* The Master Stone drops a Candriathope 100% of the time

* Flame Charm now has the M+Numb 20% skill
* Donovan's Burn skill has been buffed:
* 35 spell power -> 40 spell power
* 1~6 DEF reduction -> 1~9 DEF reduction
* 10% Numb chance -> 30% Numb chance
* Gloria's Wildfire, Whirlpool, Twister, and Razor Leaf only debuff stats by 1 point instead of 1-3
* The AP costs of the HP+X% and MP+X% passives have been cut in half, from 20/40/60/80/100 to 10/20/30/40/50 (They go up to +50% in the code, though I don't know how many are actually available)
* The status immunity passives (Antibody, etc) have all had their AP cost changed from 40 to 20, and their RP cost changed from 6 to 4
* Mardek's Remove Evil now costs 15 AP instead of 30
* Zach's Berserk costs 10 AP instead of 20
* Vehrn's Lay on Hands and Green Lightning have both been reduced from 30 AP to 20
* The DMG Soak X and M DMG Soak X reaction effects have had their RP and AP costs reduced
* The three character-specific passives (Nature's Favour, Dragon's Blood, and Mechanical Body) have had their RP reduced to 1 (I'd reduce it to 0, but I don't know if that'd cause issues and don't want to risk it)
* SOS Berserk's costs changed from 20 AP to 10 and RP from 3 to 2

* A chest in the second are of the Sun Temple now contains a Mythril Sword instead of a BetterPotion (MARDEK started with this if you started from chapter 3)
* A chest in the Dreamshrine which used to contain some Crystal Tears now contains a second Obelisk; monsters from a chest that contained a Sapphire have also been moved to this chest. Someone who's got this far has pretty much already finished the game, so it seemed the best place to include this.
* A pedlar in Aeropolis which used to carry one Silver Ore now has two Silver Ores and two Gold Ores
* The Buzzsaw Arm now costs 6 Monster Fangs instead of 8
* The Golden M Helm costs 1 Candriathope instead of 2
* Astral Wanderer's Garb's Ether resistance has changed from 50% to 20%

I don't want to keep tweaking things forever, but let me know if this seems okay or not. I've not tested anything yet, so I'm just hoping I haven't broken anything.

I haven't uploaded the changed version, by the way, so the couple of you who have beta access won't notice any differences yet.

On a personal note, this only took a couple of hours once I put my mind to it... but it's taken me all day to get those two hours in. While working on Divine Dreams, I've been able to fit in around 6-10 hours a day of focused creative work, but this has felt like an important homework assignment with a due date a month from now, or something. Sure, I know that getting it out of the way sooner would be better, and I could do that if I tried, but the urge to procrastinate is so strong. I've wasted most of that procrastination time today as well; I could or probably should have been using it on Divine Dreams, but I told myself I had to do the MARDEK stuff first!!, but kept putting that off... Pretty much everyone procrastinates, so you probably know how this is.

I still have some things left to do. I need to rewrite the description, and I need to set up the optional additional download/DLC thing on Steam (which would contain the soundtrack(s) and notes for future chapters), which is a convoluted process because I think you have to set it up as if you were adding an entirely new game? I did it with Sindrel Song, but I can't remember how it works. Ugh.

I should be able to do that tomorrow, at which point I'll set the game to Coming Soon... though procrastination's such a big issue. So annoying.

I want to do more on Divine Dreams this week, but probably won't touch it today. Maybe the thought of that will help me get MARDEK out of the way early tomorrow, but WE'LL SEE.

I should also mention MARDEK on some subreddits or something, but I'll wait until it's Coming Soon first, at least.

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