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Dhelmise Is Totally From Alora Fane
5 years ago - Edited 5 years ago343 words
This Pokemon's design is weirdly similar to stuff I make!

This is a fairly random post! I've been playing the Pokemon Sword/Shield Isle of Armor expansion recently (I don't think I've talked about that game on here? I like it), and instead of using the same Gen VIII team I had for the main game, I decided to train up six of my (available) favourites from previous generations.

One of them was Dhelmise, which I've loved since I first saw it in Sun because of how strange it is. Its body is essentially a clump of algae; the (surprisingly huge) anchor is just a prop it's clinging to, hence its weird Ghost/Grass typing with an ability that empowers its Steel moves. I love things like that. As a whole, though, it looks like a grinning pirate's face, with fangs, a beard, an eyepatch, angry eyebrows, and a demonic eye, all from a flotsam-and-jetsam-style hodgepodge of nautical paraphernalia which is essentially a ghost ship in an abstract nutshell.

So I've loved it for those reasons from the beginning, but while using my latest one, I noticed some strange, striking parallels between its multi-layered design and my own creations. It's primarily teal (my favourite colour!), with a six-pronged circle as a motif - seen both in the grassy bit and the ship's wheel - just like Alora Fane's aster symbol. In addition to that, I've been using the colours purple and yellow heavily in recent work - I've recently been wondering whether to incorporate both into the Alora Fane icon, as seen here - and Dhelmise's wheel uses both of these colours! How strange!

I can't imagine that noticing a Pokemon design has strange parallels to important recurring motifs in your creative body of work is a totally relatable experience or anything, but it felt weird enough that I wanted to say something about it!

Obviously Dhelmise is a terrible design compared to, say, the creative masterpiece that is Nidoking though, because Pokemon's really gone down hill over the years.

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