Atonal Dreams Progress, Week 4 - Monster Models
5 years ago448 words
Monster models!!
Last week, I mentioned that depression had got in the way of productivity a bit, and this week it's been even worse. Or I'm not sure whether I can just blame depression in a general sense, since it's more a case of feeling discouraged about this specific game. I hope it can be something worthwhile in the end, but I'm very aware of the obvious lull in interest lately, and the tasks I've had to do have been largely tedious chores until I can actually get to the bits I enjoy.
So to avoid burning out and coming to resent the project as a whole, I took half the week off to focus on some other creative stuff instead. I ended up doing over ten hours of creative work on each of these days 'off' because I wasn't working on the same thing as usual; most days working on Atonal Dreams I'm lucky to get six good hours in.
I did make models for three monsters though, which isn't nothing!
∞ I talked about the monster designs in the previous post ∞, so I won't repeat myself here. Here's what I made, with some progress pictures too:
That's Psyclop and not Psyclops because now it incorporates chess bishops into its design (so psychic + cyclops + bishop).
Concepts and Final Models Comparison
So there you go! Normally I'd ramble a whole lot about thoughts and specifics, but I'm just so tired at the moment that I'd rather continue taking a mental break in the hope that on Monday I'll feel refreshed and eager to do what needs doing next.
I need to animate these, which is what I was finding very tedious. I don't mind animation once I get into it, but for whatever reason it's one of those things I hate the thought of starting, so I end up wasting a lot of time procrastinating even though the animations only take a few minutes to do.
Once those are done, though, I should be able to populate the small island I've made, decorate it, do some battle testing/mechanics stuff, and write some plot scenes to get the whole thing ready for use as a small playable demo. I could have that done in a couple of weeks, but let's say a month just to be safe. Hopefully once I've done that, interest - my own in particular - might pick up a bit. We'll see.