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Weekly Update - Buildief, CBC Remake, Relaxing
4 years ago - Edited 4 years ago629 words
This is a day late, but here's the final Weekly Update for the year!

I've either been depressed or ill or something recently - cripplingly tired anyway - so I'm updating today instead of yesterday!

I've done a couple of things this past week. One was starting on the AFC+Belief thing I mentioned recently (I've been referring to it as 'Buildief' in my notes), though I only spent like three hours on it, setting up the Unity project and laying down the foundation for a mesh generating map editor thing (obviously it's a work in progress):

I also got curious about Clarence's Big Chance, which apparently I'd done most of the conversion work on last year or even the year before? So I have an exe version which supports controller input, which was surprising to me. I've also got a blog post looking back on it that I don't think I've ever posted, since I was waiting until I'd put the game up somewhere.

I wondered though whether to do a straight port, or whether to actually do a remake. Something with the exact same maps, music, and mechanics, but with the pixel graphics changed to something higher resolution; I did this quick drawing as an experiment:

I've been reluctant to remake MARDEK for ages because of the sheer scope of the thing, but the original CBC only took four months to make, and it's finished and standalone so a remake wouldn't 'require' me to spend years making sequels. Plus there's a lot of art and in-game text I'd like to clean up, either because it's just sloppy or it clashes with the current Zeitgeist. I suppose you might say that about the game as a whole actually though, plus I've been reluctant to even talk about it for years just because it's so mean-spirited and different to the more compassionate stuff I try to focus on these days, but I do still like a lot of the absurdist elements.

Many indie devs make way-better-looking (usually - but not always - pixelated) platformers, so all this'd really have to stand on would be the nostalgic familiarity (I think the original was played millions of times?) or the absurdity. I don't know if it'd sell, or be worth the effort. Maybe a remake would be more worth buying than a straight port though?

I was at least planning to make a demo in Unity to see if I could easily convert stuff over - and to test the new look - but I didn't get around to it!

Honestly it's been a fairly miserable lovely Chrimbo period for me, so that's been consuming my mind. My family wanted me to join them, but my weird mental issues got in the way, so I just decided to be alone. I tried messaging some old friends since talking to them would be very different to an awkward meal with my step-dad's aged family, but most didn't reply. At least there's one person I somewhat-regularly text, though, so that's something.

Because of all that getting in the way of focusing on games dev stuff, though, I think I'm going to just try to relax for the remaining embers of 2020. I'll try to work on some personal stuff and play games or something. Get my mind off stuff.

I've been looking forward to writing an end-of-year review though, so I'll be posting one of those on the 31st. Then, the day after, I'll write another post looking forward with some aims and hopes for what I want to achieve in 2021.

I'll get back to Atonal Dreams as soon as I can in the new year.

Hopefully this has been a nice time for you though, O reader!

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