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AFC OST - EDIT: Bonus Tracks!
3 years ago - Edited 3 years ago1,217 words
This week's music album is the soundtrack for Alora Fane: Creation - yet another game I didn't finish - composed in 2013!

Album link: [LINK]

I'm really proud of this music! Though I suppose that's the case with most of it, which is why I'm doing these albums. At least some of you might remember playing this game though so the music might be nostalgic. I should do something else with AFC, some day.

The main section of the cover art was made with the AFC editor in like five minutes! First time I've touched it in ages. Interesting experience.

I was hoping to start running the Atonal Dreams alpha today, but when trying to get access keys to give out from Steam, I found that it apparently takes "1-2 days" for them to be approved, which I should have known from MARDEK and Memody but had entirely forgotten about. So that's frustrating, after psyching myself up for it! So if you've asked for a key, haven't got one yet, and are reading this, that's why! I'm hoping I might get approval by tomorrow, but I don't even know if they can be approved on weekends... ugh.


Looking through my old files, I found quite a few unfinished scrapped pieces for this soundtrack, more than for any other, so I thought it'd be interesting to include some! I've put some on the album, while others are just linked to from this post.

Now on the album

All of these were unused and unrefined, but they're either complete enough - or interesting enough - to include in the album (so you can hear them there):

Village 3
This was meant as for imposing, unwelcoming settlements. Some really interesting textures; I don't know why I never included it. It's a bit unfinished, but wouldn't have taken much to clean up.

This is, as the name suggests, quite silly. Rather than just being clownish cartoon music though, it's 'silly' from a musical construction standpoint, with little jokes like singing in the wrong key or building up to some dissonant noise which is interrupted by a gunshot (something I also did with Miasmon's Musak track).

Path - Extended
The original Path is less than a minute long, so I tried extending it at some point... but never felt right about it because I was too familiar with the original, so this went unused. Would have been fine though!

Bliss 2
Since the original Bliss track was meant for a stoic, humourless Lawful Good paladin, or for sombre cathedrals etc, I attempted to capture the feeling of general pleasantness with this. I wasn't happy with it back then, but now I feel it's okay.

Romance (Unfinished)
I actually had this one stuck in my head last night, so there's something to it. Meant as a generic romantic theme, though at the time I doubted my ability to actually produce such a thing. Looking back years later thought, it could have worked. I like the play between hope and uncertainty.

Jig (Extended, Still Unfinished)
I love what little I wrote of this piece, and consider it such a shame I never finished it! I would now, but I feel I've changed too much as a composer to go back to years-old work. There's already a version of this on the album, but this is a slightly longer version... which is still unfinished.

Tragic Battle (Unfinished)
For those battles you don't really want to fight but have to! Another one where I feel it could have worked had I stuck with it (except for the completely contrasting bit at the end, which was just experimenting). I did eventually compose something that played the same role in Taming Dreams.

Mysterious Stranger (Sketch)
I had in mind characters like Zach from MARDEK, who you'd meet in a gloomy pub, brooding. I seem to remember it was almost a complete transcription of an improvisation with no changes or real cleanup.

Heroic (Sketch)
Similar to other themes I've composed, like Epic Quest from Cambrian Explosion, and the Saviours' theme from MARDEK (plus I think the Hero piano theme from the play at the end). Again, probably redundant if Courage already served this purpose.


These ones were quickly scrapped and don't really belong in the album, but they're interesting to check out anyway. Gives some look into the composing process, and what gets thrown away.

∞ Adventurous ∞
Has a Zelda-ish feeling, vaguely; I think there are similarities to Ocarina of Time's Hyrule Field theme. Probably scrapped because it was too similar to Courage in purpose and as such was redundant.

∞ Arcane ∞
Starts with a bizarre intro, but beyond that it paints an evocative enough mood. Rambles, though, rather than presenting a point then looping.

∞ Blues ∞
As it says on the tin. I hadn't composed in a blues style before or since, and didn't have the confidence to stick with it, clearly.

∞ Caoimhe 1 ∞
A potential theme for the totally-accessibly named (it's pronounced "KEE-vuh") character of a quest I now cringe about. Pretty enough, but I didn't feel it was worthwhile enough to continue. I often start with things like this but scrap them due to a feeling rather than anything I could put into words.

∞ Caoimhe 2 ∞
Another attempt, another failure. This one gets lost and rambles, and isn't very interesting in general (probably fitting for the character then!!!).

∞ Deserted ∞
Very spartan, but meant for places that were also that. Maybe it would have been useful for all kinds of abandoned places had I finished and included it.

∞ Destruction ∞
There's notably pieces for all the other elements that made it into the game, but I struggled with Destruction even though it's what most games focus on. Here are three back-to-back separate attempts, separated by brief gaps.

∞ Factory ∞
Starts painting an interesting enough picture, then quickly gives up. Maybe I doubted that something like this would even be relevant for the setting?

∞ Gate Ruins ∞
Meant for the Caoimhe quest, I think. Eerie, forbidding and foreboding; 5/4 time. Maybe I considered it too boring.

∞ Rogue ∞
Two (and a bit) separate - quite dissimilar - attempts to come up with something for sneaky rapscallions and such. Should have stuck with it! The first two bits could have been smoothed into A and B sections, maybe.

∞ Sawyer ∞
Several back-to-back attempts to refine a theme for this shifty character from the Caoimhe quest. Despite several tries, I couldn't get it to be interesting enough for me, though maybe listening to these back to back will give some sense of building familiarity so it won't actually sound too bad to you.


Aww, that's the best OST cover album you've made so far. And not just because it features a Goblin!

I do like this OST a lot, in part because I've made use of it myself for my own creative works in AFC! The OST is pretty versatile, and when nothing else fits then there's always the option of dramatic silence.

-Main theme: I think I did actually use this as the track for the classroom in my Sorrowlad series, I suppose it just felt right at the moment.

-Courage: I used this track more often for ironic purposes than genuine! I often made this play in empty, inconsequential rooms. Or have it start playing and immediately stop seconds after!

-Fear: More spooky scary skeletons than actually horrifying. This one fits well for low-stakes scariness, or a cheesy haunted house.

-Bliss: Works well for zealous places, this one always sounded tinged with a sense of judgement and unease, rather than true tranquility.

-Creation: This is a nice track, I think I used this as the 'default indoors track' in Sorrowlad, since I wanted to use distinct music for the indoor and outdoor areas and the setting was pleasant enough for this to fit.

-Sorrow: Great for emotional sad scenes but also works decently well for 'big mystery sleuthing leading to an eureka moments'.

-Normal battle: It sure is normal battle music! I never used throwaway battles much, so this one didn't appear too often for me. This one also fits well for 'cutscene battles' that play out within the dialogue system rather than actual combat.

-Village: Ye olde peasante towne songe.

-Path: This is a nice track, really adventurous. I really liked using this one in my quest about that artist Goblin when he sneaks out of hiw village at night and is exploring the island he's on at night, thinking everything looks so pretty and all.

-Goblins: Obviously the best theme. Just gives a really good vibe to work off on when writing Goblin characters.

-Leaf in a Brook: I used this one extensively in a quest set in a super judgey city where all the NPCs look down on the player because they all have a giant Aster-shaped stick up their arses. Good times.

-Boss battle: Really dramatic! It seems to sound different than it does in-game, this OST version's nicer, actually! I did use this one for more climactic battles when they did occur, but it also works well for confrontations with major antagonists inside the dialogue system.

-Bubbly: The happy-go-lucky theme. I don't think I used this one that often, actually, I guess that usually when the situation called for laughs and goofs, I'd use Goblins.

-Dastardly: Theme for one who strokes their twirly mustache after trying a princess to the railroad tracks.

-Omnicidal: This is one I also used mostly ironically, since it sounds pretty over the top! Works very well for evil cults trying to make sacrifices to eldritch gods and such.

-Horror: I do like this track a lot. This one actually does sound really serious, so I intentionally saved this one only for the most serious moments. Usually only during or just before the climax in particularly epic quests. This one was fun to use when the Goblin in the Path story ventured too far and got his toe mutilated by a cruggle. The red-tinted spell flash that sounded vaguely like a blood splatter worked very well for that scene too.

-Intense battle: Fitting music for a final boss battle. Actually also works well for final confrontations with the antagonist in heavy dialogue-riddled quests. Or you can use it ironically in the quest's bathroom: [LINK]&t=1724s

-The Nexus: You did reuse part of this for the Nexus in Taming Dreams, right? Though this version here is a more extended one! I can imagine that if we did ever visit the real Nexus in Taming Dreams, it'd have sounded like this. I do agree it is a nice song!

The AFC OST really is very nostalgic for me, so much time spent making quests and whatnot.
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