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The Imminent Event?!?
4 years ago853 words
Will the existence of an alien civilisation be revealed in July of this year?!?

∞ The post I wrote about Bob Lazar a few days ago ∞ got mostly dismissive comments, but significantly more views than my other recent posts, so this topic is apparently engaging to some people in some way (even if they're just laughing at me for being so delusional). So I'm talking about it again!

∞ The US news broadcast 60 Minutes just ran a serious segment about the UFO - or UAP, as they're calling it these days - phenomenon, and government reveals and concerns regarding it ∞; the latest in a series of mainstream not-mocking acknowledgement that people in the UFO community are considering - or at least hoping - to be a gradual disclosure.

Because of the buzz, I've recently been checking Reddit's r/UFOs community - along with a large influx of others, or so threads there have remarked - which is quite a rabbit hole.

∞ This post ∞ wonders why this disclosure might be happening now. The top comment mentions a comment someone made 7 years ago claiming that aliens would make contact in July 2021.

∞ The mentioned comment itself is an interesting read ∞. The author claims to be a regular abductee, who was first taken aged 12 in 1987, then "every two years" (mostly) since then. They say. They also say:

They will make contact with Earth on a wide scale in 2021. That's the year when they'll land here, or colonize, or whatever. I'm not exactly sure what their plan is.


The whole "program" or whatever they call it is going to change in July, 2021. I think they said 8th, but it could also have been 18th

Apparently the US government is going to make some announcement or something about everything it knows about the UFO/UAP phenomenon, by the end of next month. Could it be because of this?!?

Another link took me to ∞ a subreddit called r/TrueHistoryOfEarth ∞, set up 7 years ago - around the same time as that other comment - but with only one enigmatic post, from 20 days ago, which claims it'll update after The Event that'll cause a fundamental shift in our understanding of reality.


The post mentions The Aquatics, the first intelligent species, which some comments elaborate on. Some say maybe the aliens want to invite one of the sea species into some galactic Union (wasn't that the plot of a Star Trek film?), or that an ocean species like dolphins or octopuses is due some initial contact of the sort homo sapiens once got back during the stone age. Others mention that there's another intelligent species who's been living here in the depths of the sea all along; maybe they're even the grey aliens people report, and that's why they look so much like us rather than something bizarrely alien?

Interesting stuff, but do I think it's true?

Does that actually matter?

If you're the sort of person who responds to stuff like this with the urge to dismiss and debunk it, then I assume and hope that you get some pleasure out of knowing how clever you are and how you aren't going to be fooled by nonsense. Yay for you, you're not a gullible fool.

But personally, I love entertaining the idea of things like this. It's fun! Do I think there'll be some paradigm-shifting Event in July, and that we'll be watching interviews with Aquatic greys on the news and rethinking our whole reality? I'm not exactly going to sell all my possessions and spend the next few weeks meditating in front of a grey alien poster hoping they'll sense my psychic presence and choose to take me onto their spaceships for a better life.

But I probably will occasionally check r/UFOs during my breaks because the thought that something might happen, and the excitement I see others feeling about the possibility, is entertaining to me. I get way more pleasure out of wondering 'what if?!' than I do about patting myself on the back about seeing through the lies.

As long as beliefs like this don't lead to disruptive action that harms the believer or others, I see no issue with indulging in them. It's kind of like a story that ostensibly overlaps with reality, and the interest comes from the narrative more than any hard facts.

All the outlandish stuff aside, the government announcement in the next month or so does seem to be something that's going to happen, so I'll be curious to see what that's about if nothing else! (Probably just some blurry photos or anecdotes to add to the pile, but WE CAN HOPE.)

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