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4 years ago490 words
So, how are you all enjoying your alien tech and understanding of the secrets of the universe??

I'm very fond of my alien bride, myself. She's called Zx'xz'qxz and has eighteen rather fulsome bosoms.

By which I mean this is a quick follow-up to ∞ the post I made the other day ∞, about a bunch of people who bought into some random person's story on Reddit about aliens making contact (or something) on the 18th of July 2021.

Obviously life's continuing as normal, there wasn't some big world-changing First Contact or anything (though I did rewatch the film Arrival to get in the mood), so that's disappointing, despite being entirely expected. I - like the others on the r/Throawaylien community - dared to dream, and it's a shame to no longer have something clear to look forward to even if it was ridiculous to ever look forward to it in the first place.

It was interesting watching all the posts there as the day went on. Many expressed gratitude for the nice community that built up around it, which was great to see, though apparently they set up a live chat which was quickly overrun by disgusting trolls. What a lovely species humans aren't. If I were an advanced alien race, I wouldn't really want to invite them into my galactic community!

Though there wasn't a fundamental shift in global consciousness or giant disks landing on the White House lawn, there was one very bizarre occurrence: a site called LiveMeteors, which graphs some science related to meteor activity that I can't be bothered trying to understand, ∞ showed an enormous, unusual, prolonged spike in the graph at almost the exact second that the 18th started in UTC time ∞.

What are the odds?

And how frequently were people watching it when they weren't looking for or expecting anything?

In that thread I linked to there, people are - while insisting they're not shifting the goalposts - wondering whether the 18th was just the start of something, whether some contact event might happen later in the month since the various psychics etc who've claimed they've sensed some imminent shift only gave the month, not the exact date. One person even wondered whether "July 18" - which Throawaylien heard as "aitee" due to the aliens' odd accents while attempting to speak English, and originally said could either be 8 or 18 - actually meant "July AD 2021", in which case it could have meant the whole month.

So maybe?!?!?

Personally I'm mostly curious to see whether or not the original u/Throawaylien poster will come out and explain himself in some way or another... though a few people have already claimed to be him doing that - or to know him - and it's so easy to just lie online!

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