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Weekly Update - Story Refining, New Passion Glyph?
2 years ago1,471 words
Work on the gameplay mechanics/game loop is essentially done now, so I just need to refine the story a bit before doing the next alpha test! Does this new symbol for the Passion element look inappropriately lewd to you??

I still need to add some stuff like skill particle and sound effects, but that shouldn't take too long.

What I do need to decide on though is the story. I've had a plan since I started, but it's gone through several drafts since then as my ideas shift. I've been working on another one of those this week, because even though this demo section will only contain a small part of that story, I'd at least like what testers play to be mostly representative of the final experience.

I've had some key events locked in place since the beginning of development, but the trickier part is figuring out how to connect them. I've noticed that a lot of games have flimsy excuses - if any at all - for things happening (in Pokemon Legends: Arceus, for example, plot characters just showed up out of nowhere for no clear reason to say a few lines to you, then disappeared), and I suppose it doesn't really matter too much for most players? I know that I got a lot of enjoyment out of RPGs I played during my younger years despite probably not really understanding their convoluted stories at all. I've been playing the Chrono Cross remaster recently, and the story events and dialogue in that are hardly thought-provoking literature! MARDEK - being directly inspired by those sorts of games - was in the same vein.

These days, though, I care a lot more about lore consistency, why things happen and whether they make sense to do so in terms of character motivations. If a character needs to be here to give this monologue or MacGuffin, how did they get there, and what motivated their journey? That kind of thing. I'm trying to write something where everything's tied together in a way that'd be satisfying for other people who also care about that sort of stuff. Something YouTubers who make hour-long video essays could potentially sink their teeth into, in the miraculous case that this game achieves some notice.

I feel like every day I'm refining and improving what I've got, and when I compare what I have now to what I had at the start of the week, I'd definitely say it'd make for a better story! I'm not quite there yet though; I'll keep working at it!

Once I do decide on something, I'll likely only need to write a handful of scenes to tie things together. I'm intending to keep most of what I've already written into the game (the whole intro in Collie's Psychepelago in particular). Mostly I just want to add foreshadowing of later stuff, but I have to decide on what that stuff is, of course.

I wrote ∞ a post on my Patreon ∞ earlier in the week detailing a couple of changes I've been working on, one of which is the promotion of two previously-NPC characters to protagonists, giving six playable characters. Three of each gender, one of each element. I hoped to have some new concept art of them for this weekly update, but haven't found the time to make it; there are old images in that Patreon post at least.

One less important thing from that post that I want to talk a bit about here is a revision to the Passion elemental glyph, which has looked like this since I first came up with these elements way back in like 2013 (or earlier), when it was called Courage:

I never cared for that, because it looks too ill-defined, not really like anything. It's similar to MARDEK's fire element glyph, and was meant to represent flames and maybe a river or path moving forward or something, but... ehh. I'd been meaning to change it for ages, especially since I changed the Creation glyph to the new Viva one not too long ago.

Here's what I ended up with for the new Passion one, after many experimental iterations:

What do you see? Did you say "A BIG FAT THROBBING VEINY PORK POLE", verbatim, out loud at your computer??

When I asked on Patreon, people said those exact words in every comment. Of course. By which I mean that it did sound like a man sausage is what pretty much everyone saw straight away.

Which I'm not complaining about, because it was actually intentional! The symbol is meant to combine a candle, a heart, a sword to some degree (or a flaming sword in particular, though I'd say that got lost along the design process), and abstract impressions of both male and female genitalia without being explicitly representational (that is, it 'feels like' them - or brings them to mind - rather than being a literal picture of either), with the penis in particular being erect (or actually you could see two different peni, with one being the entire symbol, and another getting ready to penetrate). It is the element of passion, after all, which is in part associated with sex.

But how do you feel about the idea of a symbol of genitalia being used in this way? I would be surprised if it doesn't make you feel uncomfortable!

But why is that, exactly? Because genitals imply sex, which for whatever reason is forbidden for innocent child minds (which the game isn't made for) to even consider? Despite the fact that swords and guns, which imply brutal, gory violence, are fine to include in cartoons and toys? Depictions of appendages used to create life are more taboo than tools whose sole purpose is to end it. What a species we are.

...I say, but I've been watching Neon Genesis Evangelion lately, for some reason. I'm not a fan of anime, and I haven't seen many of them really - mainly my exposure has been through Ghibli films and dubbed adaptations of anime aimed at children that became big in the West like Pokemon, Digimon and Yu-Gi-Oh - but everyone I've ever known has liked more obscure anime, and this seems like one of those particularly well-known and (maybe?) well-regarded ones - or at least I had that impression in my mind for whatever reason - so I was curious to see what the big deal was.

What I was expecting was something with giant fighting robots and a ton of tropes I'd find both mildly amusing in the brazenness of their usage, and fascinating in the context of seeing how long some had been around (it's from 1995, and comically set in the far-flung future of 2015), or how I recognise them from the JRPGs - and anime parodies - that I'm more familiar with.

What I didn't expect was for it to be so perverted! I'd heard that fanservice was a common trope in anime, but are they all like this?? The main characters are like 14, and literally every episode includes hilarious scenes of them stumbling in on one another naked or flashing each other or what-have-you, or pervy shots aimed at their sexy parts, and it all just makes me uncomfortable to the point where I'm wondering whether I could endure the series to the end! And whether I'm watching something I shouldn't be, though it's on Netflix so other people must have deemed it okay??

I find it all so creepy, and I can understand why people might have similar feelings about Collie making sex jokes, or an elemental glyph that looks like a... ∞ Flatwoods monster ∞, though I'd say neither of those are nearly as bad as the essentially pornographic stuff in (at least this particular) anime. The intentions behind them are certainly different, at any rate.

So I don't know whether I'll keep this symbol, or revise it again. I'm pleased with it because I think it's a clever combination of concepts, and the genital aspects are abstract rather than representational - you could argue that swords and guns are as abstractly phallic, so should they be blocked from children's eyes? - so it registers to me as more comical than concerning, but I can imagine other people would be... less open to the idea, let's say.

It also probably stands out to me among the more basic, less meaning-dense representational element symbols, though that could also just be a familiarity effect.

What do you think?

(I suppose this is similar to back when I wrote ∞ a post contemplating whether or not Memody registered as a naked furry! ∞)


You're right that old RPGs, and still a lot of games these days, can just be summed up as "character appears -> plot/character arc progression -> character disappears", broken up by combat here and there. And in old RPGs even the plot and character arcs are often just nonsensical gibberish or just really cliché. It's pretty rare for games to try to do more, which makes games stand out when they do.

The symbol doesn't really make me uncomfortable or anything, why would it? If anything, the world needs more vaguely phallic iconography.

I've seen NGE, and I was annoyed at some of that stuff. I recall it was mainly a thing with Asuka (the archetypal tsundere character), which put me off her character a lot. IMO NGE is at its best when it's just cool action fights with the weird angels or character interactions. I didn't care much for the indecipherable backstory or the shenanigans with Asuka and Rei, I found Shinji and the adult cast much more compelling.

And NGE is honestly really tame in comparison to some stuff out there. A lot of anime these days in particular seem to have this obligatory fanservice that makes them pretty much unwatchable for me. It can get much, much worse than anything in NGE. That's why I limit myself to the more accessible and entry-level stuff that isn't meant to appeal to disgusting weebs.

Anyway, I think you're worrying over nothing with regard to the symbol.

(Oh hey, I commented on that blog about furries. What an amusing comment. I still stand by most of what I said there!)
Well, the passion Glyph definitely got across its intended effect. My first throught was that it looked a lot like the objects people were making in the 3D modeling class when they were given free reign on the lathe wood turner. Someone's pawn chess piece looked suspiciously like a butt plug.

I'm honestly suprised that you'd end up watching Neon Genesis Evangelion. It is one of the most important animes out there since it saved the anime industry from collapse. Its also important for codifying the Tsundere, Kuudere, and Meek Male protagonist archetypes.

The closest analogy to a Tsundere in Western media would be Helga from Hey Arnold.

Though I personally find Asuka a more interesting Tsundere compared to the now vapid over saturation of modern Tsunderes. Asuka's "tsundere-ness" came from severe self-loathing and insecurity, so her boisterous combative personality is a mask for the traumatized girl she is. While, the modern tsundere's behave in such a way that reminds me of the "Oh I'm sooooo quirky" kind of girls. They end up feeling shallow to me.

Its also interesting that the creator took the idea of swapping the steryotype of male and female behaviors and putting them into the opposite gender. Asuka is the steryotype of the loud alpha Western male in female body. Rei is the stoic idealized Eastern male in a female's body. Shinji is the Japanese idealism of female traits in a male.

I watched enough anime that I have a mental filter that cause me to ignore quite a lot of the fanservice and subsequentially forget that it exists until a rewatch. Though for Evangelion the symbolism with sex can be applied so I don't think that it's just fanservice for just fanservice sake. And there is the psychological freudian terms applied in the series too.

The creator has the minset of being pro-animation , while being anti-otaku. So the fanservice is a direct callouylt of the outaku culture that wants more fanservice of self gratification. So yeah feeling uncomfortable because of the fanservice is the point the creator is making.

I would say that Evangelion the original run for the ending got a bit of controversy since it took a philosophical approach instead of the expected kaiji mech battle. But the Rebuild series did apply the expected ending so there's that.

I would be curious to see if you do end up watching to the end. I know that the Creator was severely depressed when he made the series and he put some of his demons into the series. When compared to the Rebuild movies, the original feels as though the creator was not getting help while the Rebuild movies give the feeling that he got help, though still depressed but not as bad.

Coincidently there is a discussion about Evangelion in the comments of this thread [LINK]&utm_source=share
Yes I am aware that the subreddit is called subreddit drama and is about Miazaki, but the important part in relation to this post is about Evangelion, and that arises in the comments. Direct link to the relavent comment thread here: [LINK]&utm_source=share&context=3

You are right that people do love their obscure anime. My favorite is Darker Than Black. It recently had it's 15 year anniversary. As far as I can remember it doesn't have the same amount of fanservice as other animes. In fact I can only think of 1 scene and it was treated with the apropriate horror from the characters. Actually, there were a couple more I think, but seeing that a 25 episode series only has 3 obvious moments of fanservice does say something. The best way I can describe the anime is that it have the feeling of a film noir with superpowers in anime form.

Personally for the symbology of the glyphs, I'm not that bothered seeing that it seems you have put meaning and symbolism into the glyph and that you have something to say with your story.
About Neon Genesis Evangelion, the start is kinda cringe typical anime stuff! and it is not nearly as bad as other anime, which is what I dislike, however, later on the show does an extreme turn and gets rather dark and like... pensive? like it stops being about the typical slice of life big robot but more about like the characters psychology and such, which is what I think makes it good, instead of all these generic slice-of-life animes.
It starts to get interesting at like, episode 16? 18? I don't remembe since it's been years since I've watched it, but Evangelion is not bad on it compared to other animes... trust me, the stereotypes about anime and weaboos are true.
But in Evangelion's case one can make a case that the sexualization kinda... makes sense for the plot and weird... teenage romance sex is taboo thing or something? maybe it was just made to fit the stereotype/create it? or maybe it was just created to make the show more popular? watch more and judge by yourself I guess.
Also, not a spoiler or anything, but Netflix has the original series, which goes up to episode 26, the show has another ending however, that being The End of Evangelion, which in my opinion is very interesting and the peak of the series, and is where stuff gets really... interesting? I mean the later episodes + it are what makes it a worth watch.

And yes, people do find the stuff Collie says kinda like that sometimes, I've seen people say that about them in MARDEK-based communities (where people of course talk about your new game as well, but less).

Also about the penis/vagina icon, I actually saw a candle with a heart, not a penis, I guess I am either too innocent or everyoen else is too much of a coomer.

Also since you are watching Evangelion, did you ever consider watching, well, movies? do you watch movies? I think movies have a more serious tone and deeper stories with deeper meanings compared to anime and stuff like that, which you don't see in games as well, from Schindler's List, American History X, Taxi Driver and City of God to something like One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, The Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile and such, something I have never seen something so like... deep? sometimes realistic or just emotionally attaching as, I mean later on I think Evangelion gets more similar to a movie than an anime which is why it is often considered so good.
I'm perfectly fine with the sexual symbol. You see more sex-positive stuff out there, if it's handled well it can be really really good (one of my recent favorite series is called Sex Education, which speaks about sex a lot, but it's also really funny and relatable; basically everyone I know who have seen this series have liked it a lot too).

NEON GENESIS EVANGELION. It really struck me when I was a teen. I still think the anime is one of the most important animes I've watched, ever. But yes, there are things I find cringy, and the series was remade in a series of 4 movies (the Rebuild series) which I think exacerbate the issues; I don't like the Rebuilds. I'm really curious what you think of NGE, especially its themes of social isolation, loneliness, depression (e.g. the Hedgehog Dilemma).
The most digestible interpretation of the sexualization of the series I've heard, is that Hideaki Anno is trying to make fun of the "Otaku" types, who fantasize about anime girls. It's a deconstruction. That said, the Rebuilds do the same, and it seems a bit weird to argue that we'd be doing the SAME deconstruction for fanservice years later. Eh.
I think the best part is episode 19 onwards, including the End of Evangelion. If you can tolerate it up to that point.

As with most things, it probably depends whether you tackle the themes of sexualization with the purpose of showing empathy for the person (discomfort around sex, or discomfort around how people perceive their sexual preferences) or whether it's just "Ooh, boobies"
I don't find the glyph in any way uncomfortable. However, one issue I could see with it is it when people see it, they might immediately think of sex, even though "passion" can also mean several other things. Yes, the other glyphs are also only symbols that don't represent all aspects of the element, but sex is such a large part of the human mind that it very easily overrides every other interpretation, so much so that people often see sexual imagery even where there is none. That being said, if you're OK with players thinking about sex every time they see it, keep it. Aesthetically it's not bad at all.
Japanese people seem to have different ideas about what's for children, and Western people tend to assume that all cartoons are either comedies (like Family Guy) of for children. So yeah, all the perverted stuff jumps out at people, as does gore and other stuff that you don't expect because your brain says "cartoon=kids" and that might also be the target audience.
Tobias 1115~2Y
I've always been a fan of animation - more than live action - and actually can't watch a lot of modern US animated series because they're far too violent! Rick and Morty, for one example. And yet it's much rarer for them to have sexual content, which I don't think is fair; I'd rather see people horny than hurt.

The sexual stuff in this anime registers as more pervy or creepy to me because of the context; the characters are young teenagers, and it's mostly voyeuristic/accidental stuff; more akin to looking up a girl's dress than two consenting adults choosing to have sex. So I suppose it's the violation of several social taboos all at once.
I believe you've hit on a key term in your creative process, namely the word *why*. The "why" is so important in world- and character building, as it not only motivates your character organically, but drives the world building consistently.

There are two channels on YouTube that I recommend you checking out: KrimsonRogue and SavageBooks. The former does book reviews, and obviously generates the most views on his dissertation on bad books. They're interesting - by showing how -not- to write, you learn how to avoid several pitfalls.

SavageBooks on the other hand works as an editor, and mainly talks about tropes and why they do and don't work. His videos are quite professionally done, and I recommend that you take a look.

When creating a list of traits and preferences for a character, the important question for all of these is "why".

- Robert likes Tolstoy
-> Okay, but why?

- Robert feel a sense of responsibility towards his family.
-> Why?

- The miners of the village Karkton assembled a union after the government decided to increase taxes on the exporting of ore.
-> Sure, we have the why.. but why?!? Is a smaller income the only reason why they assembled a union?
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