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Weekly Update - Slow But Steady Progress, Still
3 years ago432 words
Another unremarkable, smallish step in the journey!

God, it's May already??

I got the results of my brain scan yesterday... eventually, after spending the whole day in anxious anticipation, then like two or three extra hours because the phone call was horrendously delayed! Turns out the scan was fine again, though, so I can hopefully put that out of my mind again for the next six months (and I won't die in the immediate future, about which I feel ambivalent).

I don't have a huge amount to say this week that wouldn't just be a repeat of what I've said before, and the number of views these posts get continues to drop, so I'll keep it brief:

I've refined my plans for the story to a point where I can stop fiddling around with them and start writing or rewriting scenes. I've implemented this flowerbed thing, and written and coded a scene bridging the intros where Collie and Savitr wake up on the Viva one after her nightmare.

I've been doing some minor rewrites to the Pierce scenes at the beginning and some tutorial scenes, which shouldn't take long, though I tend to be a bit perfectionistic with dialogue scenes these days, trying to make every dialogue line matter and mean something.

I also spent a lot of time fixing annoying bugs. I hate tasks that are supposed to take five minutes but end up taking two hours!

As I always think and say in these posts, I feel like I'm extremely close to doing another alpha... but then I see that my to do list contains a bunch of fairly time-consuming things like adding particle and sound effects for skills, a bunch of lore and item descriptions, and item icons, all of which I'd like to get through before getting any feedback.

It's frustrating ending what felt like a productive week only to find myself feeling I've made no progress, but I suppose it's like if you're trying to lose weight or gain muscle or something similar; each day or week you might look in the mirror and see yourself looking exactly the same as last week, and get discouraged. But if you look over a longer timescale, the changes become clear. I just have to stick with it!

There are some other things I'd like to write blog posts about - a recurring thought, that - so I might do that over the coming days, but who knows! I feel like I'm becoming increasingly distant, though... or maybe I've already said that a bunch of times already.

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