Reddit post re toxic game 'fans'
2 years ago407 words
∞ Here's a thread I saw on Reddit ∞ where a game dev talks about getting literal death threats from his 'passionate' audience for a yet-to-be-released game.
I wanted to write a brief post about it because knowing it's not just me who's had to put up with a toxic community is... relieving, or something? Or is it? I mean, it's not like it's anything new to me, I already knew gaming communities get incredibly toxic, but I suppose it's evidence that some of the fears that are holding me back aren't completely unfounded, or something?
Though they are still holding me back. I know that if I continue along this path, I'll have to face demons, but I've come this far that turning back now would bring its own pain, possibly even worse. It's just taking time to push through the reluctance to take the next steps because I know what they'll entail.
People in the comments are talking about how the poster's game seems like a complete rip-off of another game, but I'm unfamiliar with the game it's being compared to, so I don't know about that. Maybe it's a big factor here.
The bit I find worth mentioning though is how many of the others devs are saying they've had to put up with seriously deranged people. You just need to grow a thicker skin, they say. And I suppose that's true about surviving in this world in general. What a sad state of affairs that is, though. That some people become obsessively hostile about something that's supposed to be a source of fun.
I also checked out
∞ the game's website ∞, which is a good example of a promotional page which reads like it was made by a professional in a way mine maybe doesn't (the dev mentioned he spent several years as a software developer, so he'd have skills and connections from that background). Useful for reference, should I ever feel the urge to revise mine.
On another note, I had a long video call with a friend from uni last night; the first time in weeks I've had a proper conversation. I felt so much better after it. Isolation poisons the mind and mood. Too bad it's so hard to find people to connect with in the real world.