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New Music YouTube Channel - Finally!!
2 years ago412 words
I've been talking about this for AAAGES, but I've finally got around to posting my first recent composition on a new YouTube channel I've set up specifically for my music!

The video is here:

I'll be using the channel to upload pieces I composed for my games, and others I composed just for the fun of it, or for practice; this one's from the latter category.

I recently saw a video describing a certain chord progression called the 'Royal Road' that's commonly used in anime and Japanese pop music, and thought I'd add to my arsenal by composing a practice piece using it. I used some silly anime-esque 'lyrics' to guide the melody; always a useful technique.

It's playable, and I can sort of play it myself, though not well enough to actually use a recording of myself as the audio. I'm a composer, not a performer!

I've been putting off posting my music for ages because I'm expecting nobody to care, and for the videos to end up with like 5 views after a month or something, which might negatively affect any benefits listening to my music has for me.

So I'll be curious to see how this goes.

I've got most of my old music on ∞ my Bandcamp page ∞, but many more recent things I've never shared anywhere. So I'll be posting those hopefully quite regularly to this channel over the following weeks or months.

If it goes well, then hopefully that'll motivate me to make music more often!

I'll need to experiment with the visual formatting; this ended up shrunk, I think because the three pages side-by-side didn't match the 16:9 ratio, so the text comments on the score are smaller than I'd prefer.

I should also post pdfs of the sheet music for solo piano pieces like this somewhere; I'll be thinking about the best way to do that.

(Also, in order to ensure you're not a bot, YouTube apparently requires that you either make a short video of yourself or provide a photo of your ID, neither of which I want to do, or just build up a 'channel history' over the course of maybe two months. You need to do this in order to be granted the honour of being able to include links in your descriptions. Since I opted for the latter option, I won't be able to include links to things like my Patreon until then, annoyingly.)

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