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UFO/UAP Congressional Hearing: The USA Has Alien Bodies
1 year ago424 words
I just watched a 2-hour-long serious hearing where credible witnesses talked about the reality of retrieved spacecraft created by non-human intelligence to the US Congress.

I watched it live on YouTube (along with 100,000 or so other people); I imagine it'll take time for a recording to be uploaded somewhere, so I can't include one here.

EDIT: Here's a recording courtesy of a comment from GrayNine:

A lot of people over on r/UFOs and such have been excited for a while about this as if it was some big, clear Disclosure Event that'd finally prove for certain that aliens exist, at which a little grey would step up to a podium to usher in a new Utopia. Or maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration, but I'd say that was the general hope of at least a few.

This wasn't quite that. But I found it surreal regardless, as I grew up in a society that put UFOs in the same category as Bigfoot and fairies, but there wasn't even so much as a knowing smirk to the camera in this. It was treated completely seriously.

Three expert witnesses from the US Navy and Air Force (David Fravor, Ryan Graves, and David Grusch) spoke about their experiences either encountering UFOs directly as pilots and detecting them on radar etc, or, in Grusch's case, about hidden programs in (or above) the government that are attempting to reverse-engineer retrieved alien craft (and biological bodies). That's a bit more than just ranting and speculating about some shiny dot in the sky.

Much of what Grusch could potentially share - such as the names of specific people and places involved - he wasn't able to in a public hearing, but said he could and would in private as soon as they could arrange it. Some people on Reddit seem annoyed that he didn't just blurt everything out for them to hear, but I'm hopefully that what he does reveal to them privately will start the ball rolling towards something more substantial in the near future. The politicians did all seem to be taking notice and getting eager for answers.

(Though I've been following the early ball-rolling stages for the past four or so years; the whole thing has been a process. Maybe - as someone said in the hearing - it'll be an exponential thing, with a slow build-up swelling into an avalanche before long.)

So I'll be curious to see what comes of this! People have been describing this hearing as 'historic'. I wonder.


Actually, the recording is already up:


Tobias 1115~1Y
Honestly I couldn't be bothered looking because I doubt anyone would actually watch it via this post even if I found it, but I might as well include that link anyway! Thanks!
Today, two alien-looking corpses have been exposed in an audience on extraterrestrial life at the Congress of Mexico. Apparently, these are two of several alien corpses who had lived among us some 1000 years ago, finely preserved in diatom near the Nazca lines.

Looks like no hoax to me so far.

As I read the news, I recalled some of your posts, and wondered if we are nearing a Disclosure. Some governments like the Mexican and Argentinian are quite interested un UFO subjects since some years ago. Even financing State-owned institutions for researching UFO claims.

Here is it:


Sorry for the spanish (you could google-translate It), don't really know how (or IF) are these news covered up there on the english-speaking world.

Down here in the deep south, we are all just crazed about UFOs. It's a "high activity" zone. There's even the Myth of a full-scaled alien transdimensional city (Erks) under the sierras of Córdoba.

Hope you are doing well, and have fun with the news!
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