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Friday of the Year
1 year ago645 words
As 2023 elderly-ly limps towards its iminent demise, I'm calmly tired and rather unfocused. Though I suppose that's been the theme of my year, hasn't it? Unfocused. This post is also that!

I didn't write a blog post last week! I started one, but just ended up rambling for the umpteenth time about the mental health issues that've led to a lot of meandering this year, felt fed up about it all - and assumed anyone who'd bother to read it would too - and decided to just scrap it.

It'll be Christmas in a couple of days, and the end of the year not long after, so I've been reflecting a lot about what I have or haven't achieved this year. I'll talk more about that probably next week though.

I've spent much of my time recently working quite enthusiastically on Dreamons, and getting a lot done that I'd like to ramble about...

But it feels weird doing so so close to Christmas and the end of the year? Like I assume everyone will be too tired or distracted or something. I have no exciting social events or anything, but I do feel tired in the sort of way I imagine a normal worker might on a Friday. Energy's waning, might as well just take it easy until the next demarcation of time (week, year) begins, where I might feel refreshed and more eager.

What time I didn't spend on that, I spent playing the new Pokemon Scarlet/Violet DLC, which I enjoyed, I suppose. Got a lot of chores left to unlock some post-game prizes, though, and I don't know whether I can be bothered.

Oh, and I've now officially applied and paid for this Introduction to Counselling evening class thing at some place that may or may not be sort of equivalent to an American community college. Honestly, it feels 'beneath me' in the sense that I probably could have a well-paying and respected career by now, if not for the mental and physical brain issues. But obviously those issues are severely limiting, so hopefully this low-investment thing will be a step in the right direction. Hopefully moreso than seeing a counsellor myself was.

I saw this Film Theory video the other day, which I thought I'd mention here because my last post was about the frustration of appealing to a younger audience, and this points out that marketers deliberately target teenagers because they're the most likely to integrate the media they consume into their still-developing identities.

Which makes sense, and fits with probably all of our experiences, though I suppose it becomes more of a frustration the fuzzier you draw the line between you and your audience. Back in the day, I used to see myself and my audience as sharing a space, I considered myself one of the community, but I suppose if you maintain greater professional distance, and have friends and relationships from a whole different sphere than the one containing the consumers of your creative output - and especially if you see those consumers as mere money mines - then the age stages of those consumers don't matter in nearly the same way.

I've been more and more distant these days, though I have no other communities to belong to, and miss having one of my own. Or at least some aspects. Other bits I don't miss at all. This is something I might think more about next year. Ehh.

But yes. BECOME BETROTHED TO A BABOON'S BOTTOM, I DEMAND IT. Which is to say, marry a chimp's arse! That's what people say at this time of year, isn't it? I met a people once and I think they said it. It was ages ago now though. What colour is the sky??

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