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WIP Dreamons Models, Journalling Creators?
9 months ago647 words
I've been working on the models for the main characters of Dreamons! Also, do you know of any places where other creators post about their lives alongside what they've made??

Sometimes I update this blog because I feel the desire to. This is not one of those times! I'm updating out of a feeling obligation since I haven't in a while.

Partly it's because I've continued to be quite busy recently. I've been getting lost in creative work, both on personal projects and - more importantly - on Dreamons, for which I've been working on the models for the dreamon characters. It's still a Work in Progress, but here's what I've got so far:

I changed Fralien's design a bit!

I still need to model an outfit for Tragus, and the others could use some tweaking. It seems like making parts for these fairly simple low-poly models should be quick, but it's been taking a surprisingly long time even when I've been focused and motivated (that is, the work itself takes time rather than much of the time being lost to depression or whatever). I'm almost there now, at least.

Once they're done, I'm hoping to play around with making video episode things with the characters, as I said previously. I'm not actually sure what specific scenarios they'd be about, though, which is a bit of a snag. I'll need to fumble around in a brainstorm until I can find a thread to pull on.

I'm thinking something similar in scope to 4-panel webcomics - so the videos would have just a handful of lines and would be less than a minute long - so I've been wondering how people who make those come up with their ideas. I don't know!

I've also been aware for ages that the audience for these posts on this little website is limited and dwindling, with no way to really increase it. I keep thinking about posting somewhere else, perhaps in some Blogging or Journalling community, but does anyone even use such things these days? Feels like unless you're posting on some big content-aggregating social media hub, you might as well be screaming into the void.

This isolated place has suited me well while I've essentially been hiding away from life due to ~~trauma~~, but I know I'm going nowhere forward and need to change trajectory lest I regret it when I'm older (if I even survive much longer), and posting somewhere that others do might be a step towards that.

I'll do my own research, but might as well ask here too: If you follow updates of any other online creators, where do they post that you see them? Especially if their content is remotely similar to my own.

The places where people post 'content' are fairly obvious, but is there anywhere that creators more comfortably write about their personal lives? Or am I the only one mad enough to be doing that at all???

Even back when I used deviantART a lifetime ago, I'd use that site's Journal feature to write actual journal entries, while other artists seemed to mostly use it for 'professional' stuff like commissions info. I was always hoping to find other people who shared their lives alongside their creative work like I did, but could never find them. I suppose people talk about that stuff with their friends and partners, usually, and don't feel the need to write about it? I don't know.

Speaking of personal stuff, the motivational medals tool thing I wrote about last time has been working a bit, though it's not a magic sudden improvement. I've been noticing that I want to do certain things to earn a medal, but I'm still trying to find the right times to do things so then I can best establish them as habits. It's a process!

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