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Christmas 2017
7 years ago274 words
I feel a sort of obligation to acknowledge the fact that it's Christmas Day, though I'm not doing anything or seeing anyone for it at all, as has been the case for the past few years. I hope those of you with loved ones to spend time with cherish the day and get more positive feelings than stress out of it!

I didn't actually write a post about Christmas last year, oddly, though I think for a number of years before that I'd written in various places about how I used to love Christmas, used to look forward to it for weeks or months, couldn't sleep due to excitement the night before... For the past decade or two, though, that interest has faded more and more with each passing year. I suppose that's a normal part of getting older, but I suppose some older people at least get vicarious pleasure from having people who retain the excitement in their lives, or at least from going through the rituals and traditions with other people and reviving at least a little bit of the magic.

But here I am, in this little room alone, playing around with virtual reality. I had the option of going home, but if given the choice between experiencing potentially awkward social situations (which would likely have been with a handful of elderly step-relatives rather than any by-blood family members) and avoidance, I'm going to choose the latter.

Anyway, I won't go on about how miserable I am. It's supposed to be a festive day. I do hope everyone more fortunate truly enjoys it, though, or at least some parts of it!