I've been working on the models for the main characters of Dreamons! Also, do you know of any places where other creators post about their lives alongside what they've made?? READ MORE
Some thoughts regarding designing this project, Dreamons, around six areas that follow the same formula, with some ideas for each one that still need a lot more refining! READ MORE
In an attempt to quell the overwhelming torrent of suggestions coming from the previous post - or at the very least to cement some Monday morning brainstorming - here are some thoughts/decisions about what to do with this still-yet-unnamed game... READ MORE
I did some stuff on this Belief Battles/Frayth thing this week: buildings and the interior areas they link to, and some concept designs for types of people you'd encounter. READ MORE
Despite my ignorance of hardware, thanks to suggestions from people here I was able to decide on which PC to get... weeks ago. Months? I've still yet to set it up, and I'm wondering whether to replace my monitor(s) after all but don't know which one(s) to get! READ MORE
I hoped to use this week to first get some non-game-dev things out of the way, then to do a bit of work on Atonal Dreams... but I didn't do either! One of those non-dev things was finally deciding on a new PC, so I've at least written about that here a bit?? Any help from those of you who know and care about this stuff would be appreciated (again)! READ MORE
I've maybe decided on a new PC to buy... but I'm still quite clueless about this, so I'd like to hear your thoughts about whether I've made a good or terrible decision before confirming it! READ MORE
The idea of changing some numbers (such as item drop rates) in the Steam release of MARDEK has inspired a few comments on the previous post, but let's compile all the suggestions and come to specific decisions together. READ MORE
I'm adding MARDEK to Steam, finally! Gasp! There are a ton of forms and things to fill out though, so I'd appreciate your thoughts about some things! READ MORE
My website was infected with malware, and it took two days to fix! Very annoying. I'm also having some general computer issues, though I don't know enough about the non-creative aspects of computers to know what's going on. Do you have any ideas?? READ MORE