I've been writing blog posts over on ∞ my Substack account ∞ for the past few months. But have I been wasting my time?? Here are the stats for the 15 posts I've written there since June (from latest to oldest): READ MORE
I've been working on the models for the main characters of Dreamons! Also, do you know of any places where other creators post about their lives alongside what they've made?? READ MORE
My mind's been all over the place this week! Old games! Pokemon! Me-made new Pokemon clone?? CBC platformer sequel?? Random computer issues??? Nothing on Atonal Dreams though. READ MORE
I've finally implemented the revisions to this website that have taken far longer than they really should have done! Am I presenting my game and myself in an appropriate way, though? Also, Pokemon Violet. READ MORE
For the second week in a row, this post's mostly just an excuse about how I've not achieved what I wanted to this week, due to general mental illness exacerbated by several situational stressors. Bleh. READ MORE
This week, I made some Atonal Dreams improvements (mostly) based on feedback from the previous test, and intended to post about it on Reddit, but... am I too burned out? Should I focus on stuff like porting my old games first?? Am I just making up excuses to avoid doing something I have a strong trauma-related aversion towards??? READ MORE
I've changed this site's layout a bit! The main page in particular. I also wanted to add a mailing list, though that's apparently more irritating than I expected... READ MORE
I'm really close now to the point where I can release a playable demo of Atonal Dreams... which should be exciting, but I've had a lot of days recently - today included - where I struggle to get to work due to worries about the waning interest in this blog and - presumably by extension - the game. READ MORE
After weeks of wondering and planning, I feel I've got the ball rolling on Atonal Dreams now! I've made an info page and a roadmap to explain what the game is and when it might be finished, as well as some new systems that I just added this week! READ MORE
My site's been down all week, and that's been incredibly frustrating. It's back now... but based on what support said, I don't know how long it'll stay up. READ MORE
My site went down, again! Very annoying!! It's back now (obviously), but I don't even know if the issue is fixed, so I still need to do some work there. MARDEK's waiting on review, but that's taking time too! READ MORE
My website was infected with malware, and it took two days to fix! Very annoying. I'm also having some general computer issues, though I don't know enough about the non-creative aspects of computers to know what's going on. Do you have any ideas?? READ MORE
While the world's being thrown into chaos by a virus, I've been worried about having to play with a dog. You know, one of those animal things with some ears and a few legs, like three or five or something like that. They make noises and breathe oxygen, I think. Also, my brain might be breaking again, but I hope not!!!!! READ MORE
You know what time it is? It's time to write another blog post about how I don't have the time to do anything other than work on the game I'm making! Also I probably maybe possibly will start up a Patreon, though I need to do some more research first (and I'm concerned about time)... READ MORE
I've changed the site around a bit! Rather than having two separate sites (Alora Fane and Taming the Mind), I've combined them together into just Alora Fane (there was a lot of overlap anyway). I've also added a different commenting system, which requires you to create an account. It's not like the full-fledged communities I used to have, but it should address some of the issues with the Disqus commenting system, and might also give more of a feeling of community than before. READ MORE
Just a quick update: this blog uses a thing called Disqus for its comments, and for ages now people have been saying that their comments have been marked as spam for seemingly no reason. I've finally found a way to restore those comments, but I still don't know why they're getting marked as spam in the first place! READ MORE
I need to work on Sindrel Song, I need to upload my old games to my websites again, and I have plans for something MARDEK-related as well that I need to find the time to properly focus on. And I'm tired, still. Here's a vague plan for where I'm going from here. READ MORE
I've reorganised the many websites I own, most of which were already long dead. Some are gone and probably won't return, others might return as archives or new versions. I don't know for sure yet, but here are my thoughts at the moment. READ MORE
I thought my site had been hacked due to some issues, but it turns out those issues are likely less malicious than I dreaded. Still, things like that provoke a lot of anxiety. READ MORE
I've updated the layout of this site a bit for the first time since it was made (I think), so I just wanted to comment about that. I've also been wondering what I should actually do with this site in general; what kinds of things people might actually come here wanting to read. READ MORE