Looking Back at 2018
6 years ago5,113 words
So, now that the 2018th year since our Lord Jesus Christ hatched from his egg is gasping out its final breaths, I feel the compulsion to have a look at exactly how I've wasted this period of my life that I'll never get back. I graduated from university (and made it through alive, to my surprise), I had brain surgery for a cancerous tumour (and made it through alive, to my surprise), and I did a bunch of creative stuff but never actually finished or released anything (and made it through alive, to the absolute shock of everyone). That's... something?
Cosmic Cartography
6 years ago1,429 words
I made a website a few months ago which was intended as a spiritual community, the primary aim of which would be to collaboratively sketch out the 'big picture' of the nature of life and the universe using diverse sources of objective and subjective evidence. I never got around to finishing it or making it public, but I want to show it here before my surgery in case the ~description of the universe~ that I've already written on it is of any interest to anyone.