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Tobias 1115~4Y
The re-release offers 100%, 150%, and 200% resolutions, since anything other than those causes graphical glitches due to how the tile-based maps work. Double resolution is 1440x1056, which mostly vertically fills a 1920x1080 screen.

I wonder what you do for a living because you're combative and come across as entitled, so I wonder how much of whatever you do you'd be willing to do for free. You also don't seem to be aware of how much work is involved in things like making or porting a game.

I'm aware people who actively follow and comment on my site are the ones most likely to buy it. But I'm expecting most people to not be interested at all, and the number of people who'd be more conditionally interested likely isn't high enough to justify the work involved in satisfying them. Maybe I'll be surprised though. Mostly I'm doing this for the people who've already requested it rather than to win over new or wary people.

Anyway, if you're actually concerned about helping in some way, being an arsehole is not a very effective path to that goal.
More people like this will probably end up being attracted to the site to complain about the price of the game after the release. I think it's probably a good idea at this juncture to just learn to ignore them.