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Island Tileset, Resonar Slashes
4 years ago - Edited 4 years ago2,197 words
I'm trying to get to a point with... whatever this Divine Dreams prelude thing is going to be called where I can show off snazzy gifs of gameplay etc to generate interest in the project as I work towards completion. So this week, I've built an island tileset for Savitr and Collie to run around on, and animated their physical attacks so they can fight monsters.

I learned from doing research a few weeks ago that I need to start promoting what I'm making sooner rather than later, so then there can be a buildup of interest over months. So although I've still not fully planned the story - or even the title! - of this prelude thing I'm making, I've spent this week on asset creation and implementation so then I'll have something shiny to show off.

I've built (the beginnings of) an external tileset, and I've made it so that both Savitr and Collie can attack with their weapons. Here's a short video showing both:

There's also a short exchange between Savitr and Collie at the start, mainly to show the conversation system to people who might not have seen it, though I'm still not decided about her personality (how obsessive or sexual she should be).

(The placeholder music's an island theme I composed for Belief; I want to compose something new for this.)


I built the basics of Divine Dreams' field mechanics ∞ way back in late January ∞. I started with an external environment, which was tile-based and extremely blocky:

Areas were also divided into rooms depicted as 'dioramas', with all but the current one hidden, because the alternative would be making something to fill up all the non-playable space.

In February, I experimented with ways to build these tile-based maps in a way that looked more organic. I was quite happy with what I had for the Dreamcave:

I've not done anything else with the graphics since then as I've been focused on other stuff, though when I've played games - or watched videos of other people playing them - I've been paying careful attention to graphical details that I might be able to make use of myself.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons was big recently, and I got that a few months ago since I'd been curious to play a game from the series for years. I was pleasantly surprised to see that it used a tile-based system for its island map, and I found it particularly interesting how it handled cliff edges:

(I'd use a screenshot of my own playthrough, but it's such a pain getting them off the Switch! So that one's from Google.)

I found it interesting because it's something that I kind of discovered by myself when making the Dreamcave tileset. To make things more organic, instead of sticking with just cubes, triangular 'half tiles' can serve as effective corners without needing to make too much additional geometry.

Animal Crossing's cliffs also seem to be mostly defined by a simple, stylised texture rather than geometry. They're not flat (look at the bottom), but little would change if they were. That saves on geometry and makes them easier to tile, too. With the Dreamcave tileset, I was trying to get a rocky look with geometry instead, but never felt happy about it. Seeing this made me feel maybe I could get away with just using a texture.

What I made in a couple of days as one person obviously can't compare to a professional game like Animal Crossing made by a team of professionals, but I think what I do have is maybe passable:

I like this combination of square and 'triangular' tiles for cliff edges, as it looks simplistically stylised without being so blocky it can't pass as organic. Animal Crossing's tiles are more complex than what I have here - there's subtle rounding on what looks like multiple tiles at corners, and they tile together seamlessly with added variation - but I'll stick with the simplicity for many practical reasons.

I've been wondering how best to tackle grass in an easily tiled way for years now. What I had in MARDEK was extremely basic:

I remember experimenting with it heavily back in 2011 with this game called "Alora Fane: Regression" (the beginnings of the Alora Fane world, though I did little with this particular game):

Obviously that second screenshot's more detailed and complex than anything in MARDEK, though I found it an ordeal to make the tiles and didn't care for the overly-busy result either.

For Taming Dreams, which came several years after that, I returned to the simpler, more abstract approach:

I'm mentioning these because I keep these old solutions in mind when tackling new problems.

I essentially tried to replicate that in 3D when I first made the Divine Dreams' grassy external area in January. The 'grass' was just a flat green plane with a few modelled tufts in different shades of green:

I noticed that the 'grass' in Animal Crossing was very abstract - literally coloured triangles - but it really worked despite that. It's not simply tiled, though; the texture extends over many different tiles (again, a team of professionals made this).

I was curious to experiment with a similar thing myself, drawing upon both this as inspiration, and what I learned years ago from experimenting with Alora Fane: Regression's grass tiles. I drew this texture:

Obviously that's not 'realistic', but nor is it as extremely stylised as Animal Crossing's. I also like that it incorporates the aster motif to some degree; having some order to it like this also makes it look better than if it was just a random mess of grass blades. It's still chaotic enough to be organic, but it's an ordered sort of chaos.

Speaking of grass, I've seen animated grass tufts in other games, but was never sure how it was done. Turns out it was easier than I expected to do with a simple shader effect:

(My gif recorder has been producing some very un-smooth results lately...)

Those grass tiles look like obvious tiles, though (that is, their edges are too clear), and the angle they're at looks quite ugly at the angle the camera's at (if they 'leaned back' more, it might look better), so I'll probably play around with that a bit. Maybe the blades don't need to be so dense...

Finally, area borders are a pain, and the reason I originally went with the dioramas look is because I wasn't sure what purely decorative geometry I could make around the playable area. ∞ In Belief, I surrounded the gameplay area with an ocean ∞, which I've adapted and reused here (I wrote the shader myself, unlike the sea in Sindrel Song). The world the Bold live in is a series of archipelagos anyway, which is convenient. This game will be set on a small island, and I might divide Divine Dreams' world into a series of small, self-contained islands too.

I've wondered quite a lot how to handle shorelines in a convincing way. Animal Crossing's shorelines look amazing, but I don't have the technical or artistic skill to pull of anything nearly as good, so maybe this fairly mediocre thing I've got will have to do. Most people won't care anyway, and getting caught up on details like that only leads to burnout and never finishing.

Building these battle 'arena' models is something I've been thinking about a lot, too. They're not the same kind of challenge as building a tileset, though some skills and ideas definitely carry over.

How to handle the distance is a problem. Here, I've used flat cutout images, which I think works okay and which is easier than making a bunch of 3D geometry.

When making games, these are the sorts of details that take up so much of the development time but which mean little to the average player in the end. Maybe you found it somewhat interesting to read about though.

Battle animations

I've decided to stick with the resonars for both Savitr and Collie. I think the similarities and contrasts between their attack animations shows they're both part of the same group (Seraphim), but he's obviously at a different ability level to her.

Like with everything I make, my animations aren't at a professional level, but I feel I'm getting better (I like Collie's victory animation), and I hope that these would at least be satisfying for the player. I feel that they are for me, at least. There are details like kicking up sand while moving, and the coloured weapon trails, which really help it feel more polished.

I felt that having a distinct hit sound effect for the resonars would go a long way towards adding that sense of visceral appeal. I'm not used to making my own sound effects, but I did make this one by combining several different sounds together, which seems to be what actual sound designers do. I wasn't sure about the result at first, though the more I hear it, the more it grows on me. It's definitely a skill I need to practice though.

I've recoded the previous reaction system to allow for multiple hits, as seen with Savitr here. There are a few concerns with this, though.

The way the stats are set up, pieces of equipment each have a number of properties which contribute to the character's stats, or which activate on certain types of reaction. The resonars, for example, each boost the attack stat by 10, and add 5 to that on a successful Attack reaction.

But then does that mean that each of Savitr's hits is as powerful as both resonars together?

Or would his attack be denoted as, say, "10/10", and each hit in this combo would only use one of those values?

What of reactions, then? Would that be a "5/5"? What if one resonar had a chance to grant a status effect on a successful reaction? How would that be shown on this status screen (currently, the REACTIONS list at the bottom combines all effects that'd trigger on successfully activating that reaction type)?

Or maybe Savitr's double attack would trigger a Light and a Dark reaction instead of two Attack ones? They're normally used for 'magic offence' and 'magic defence', sort of, but they could be different for different characters, perhaps?

The way I've written the code, characters - or monsters - could potentially use multi-hit attacks which could chain together several different reactions. I'm not sure how they'd work either. It's coded so that each hit has a 'hand' assigned, so those hands could use the stats of just the weapon in that hand. Hmm.

I'm unsure!

I'll be building on this system to work for musical magic; that's one of next week's tasks, so I'll talk about it then.

With how things are coming along, I might be able to make at least a video demo by the end of next week - or the week after that - which I can use to start promoting the game... though I still need to decide on what it's actually called, so I should do some more story planning next week.

Now that I'm working on this smaller project instead of trying to figure out what to do with some vast trilogy, I feel like progress might go somewhat smoothly from here and a release might only be a few months away. But I've never had much luck predicting this kind of stuff, so let's just see how it goes.

There are other things I need to see to, but haven't because the depression which is usually hanging over me had a fairly severe flare-up this week. I managed to get this productive stuff done despite it, but I've been in a lot of mental pain and I've been avoiding interacting with other people even more than I usually do because I feel I've inflicted my insanity on others enough and feel bad about that.

Mental issues are perhaps the price creators pay when they make their deals with the Devil for their creative abilities, though my life situation's certainly not helping at all. Money woes in particular weigh me down, though I need to actually finish and release something again if I want to have any hope of that changing. So I'm trying to get to that point.

I would have posted more about this stuff on ∞ my Patreon ∞, as I've posted a lot of other development stuff on there; these mental issues are why I didn't. Annoying.

Anyway, I didn't feel that was worth writing a separate personal post about, but it's got in the way of some things, so I wanted to at least mention it.

Hopefully this direction I'm going in seems okay.


Snazzy gifs are always good!

So observations about the video:

-I like how the island looks!

-Interesting that Collie gets one easy QTE whereas Savitr has two harder prompts. It works well to sell the idea that Savitr's a more experienced fighter who uses more powerful but difficult techniques.

-Unlike the characters in the Dreamcave, Collie starts the fight with 100% Light. Savitr starts with some Darkness, though I'm surprised it's 20/80 rather than 50/50!

-Fungoblins are cute.

I am curious what exactly you had planned for Alora Fane: Regression! You wrote a blog a long time ago talking about your pre-MARDEK projects, a similar post talking about the projects between MARDEK and DD would be very interesting too.

For what it's worth, I do think the detailed second image is very pretty!!

That said, Taming Dreams had a very pleasant aesthetic, that one really feels like an evolution of MARDEK's style, with a similar NES JRPG feel but much more expressive sprites.

The grass texture looks good, recognizably grassy and all that. The tufts could use a bit more work though yeah, they look very conspicuously tile-based, like you can tell they're several of the same grass tufts copies onto several tiles rather than a big patch of grass.

I expect there to be an NPC who rants and raves about avoiding the tall grass since that's where wild Miasma spawns which you can synthesize into controllable Miasmon using your Gauntlet.

I'm assuming that later parts of DD will take place outside of just the Bold petal, so what'll you be doing with area borders then? I guess by the time we get so far you'll have probably found a way to cross that hurdle.

So, that battle arena uses the same tileset as the overworld map then? I do like it when games have a good variety of battle arenas. I remember people complaining how in Sword and Shield they could be fishing in the middle of a city and then the battle arena would be in the middle of the wilderness with no water in sight.

Collie's victory animation reminds me of Elwyen's. I always like characters who jump for joy after winning a battle.

I hope things get better with depression soon!
Tobias 1115~4Y
Their stats at the moment are just temporary, so little thought went into them. It would make more sense for Savitr's light and dark to be balanced!

I barely remember Alora Fane: Regression... I think it's similar to the stuff I'm trying to make now, all about the spirit realm and dreams etc. I think the basic idea was that the protagonist got a chance to relive his life to undo some mistakes? Something like that.

I never noticed a wilderness arena being used when fishing in a town in Sword and Shield (but then again I don't think I ever fished in any towns), but I do remember that there were a number of plot-crucial battles - and some post-game rival rematches - that used the 'no background available' arena (a white void), which really stood out to me as a strange oversight. Maybe the development team just didn't have the time to make appropriate arenas for those specific situations, but then why have battles there?

Of course, all areas in this game will use this arena, so once you get into the dark caves, battles there will take place on this sunny beach. I think people would enjoy that.

Or rather, I'm planning for there to be at least two arenas for the external environment (which won't be very large): this one on the beach, and another for the more grassy centre of the island. The 'underworld' cave area will have at least one too, but since I'm not intending this thing to be too big, I probably won't need to make too many.
I really like how the attack animation for the double resonars turned out- doesn't look awkward at all! Another aspect of the animation that I just noticed (don't remember if it was present in previous gameplay snippets) was the beating hearts, which I have to wonder about- do they beat at a constant rate and intensity, or do they change based on status effects, health, or some other factor such as speed/turn initiative? And do they have gameplay significance, such as influencing the tempo of reactions? Oh how many questions such a simple UI element can inspire!
Tobias 1115~4Y
The hearts represent the arousal/excitement state, which determines the availability of skills. I've probably talked about it before, but I've talked about so many details - and so many of them have changed since the early ideas - so who knows!
Looks good so far! I like that Savitr has multiple reaction things to hit and would be technically more difficult to control as well, as that's a unique step up from MARDEK is more fun and realistic. Perhaps levelling up would make the reactions easier to hit though? Amazing potential to play with there, which I can already see you toying with/ fretting about. For simplicity I would suggest sticking with the two resonars being the same type and sharing a damage value, each slightly weaker than Collie's single hit (for gameplay balancing rather than realisticity' sake).

Aesthetics-wise, I like the aster-grass pattern, and I agree that sparser 3D grass blades would probably look better, like tall wispy tufts here and there as an exception rather than a norm if that makes sense. I quite like the flat cutout effect from the battle as well, though I definitely wouldn't have noticed that from a regular playthrough!

Glad things are looking manageable despite the depression and hope things keep looking up!
I really like the combat animations and the combat system in general, the multiple attacks really add more to it, with the general combat feeling faster than in MARDEK in general makes me think this would be a really fun game to play.
The ability selection menu reminds me of the one in Deliverance in appearance, of course better since you can actually press buttons and it seems fluid and fast, I really like that!
However, I think the general aesthetic of the game is too... bright for my preferences, which is not a problem, but it really makes me curious about how things would look with a darker color scheme or a bit of saturation, or just generally higher brightness, think of Final Fantasy on the GBA being the way it is and it on the SNES being what I prefer (though this example is a bit extreme), but the general design of things seems pretty good!
Tobias 1115~4Y
It's interesting comparing the vibrancy of the screenshots included in this post. The Animal Crossing one is very vibrant, and when I originally compared the screenshot of this game to that, I felt that mine wasn't bright enough! The MARDEK one looks really glum to me because of how dark and desaturated it is in comparison, and I've noticed from what I've played of Octopath Traveler that that's often quite desaturated in a way that just feels unpleasant to me. It makes for a world I don't particularly want to spend time in.

I've actually been thinking of FFVI on the SNES quite a bit, and how I dislike the graphics of that because they're so dismal and busy with detail. On the other hand, I admire a lot of animated films because of their colourfulness, and I like the simple, stylised look of the graphics of, say, Earthbound.

It's a shame that things can't appeal to all subjective preferences!

I saw something recently about how people on the autistic spectrum find brighter colours aversive, and I imagine people with colour blindness or other visual irregularities might be put off by certain things as well. I'd add compatability features for such players, though it's a lot of work for a small minority so it's frustratingly impractical for a small indie game...
I think it might not be that hard to do really, within my knowledge of game developement, mostly if you are using Unity (I actually am unsure, but I remember reading somewhere that you now use Unity), I myself might just edit my monitor's settings while playing the same and change them back to what they were before while not, but a system such as simply editing the camera and general colours, if not even only brightness, might help a lot, I also think that darkness and light have to fit the game as well, like Final Fantasy VI is quite a dark game, you boot it up, listen to Omen, a dark main title, with dark clouds and all, Omen is quite a dark track, A minor, lots of dissonance when the title screen appears, the general game has a dark plot, the villain wins! I prefer tragedies and darker themes, I think that it being bright makes more sense with the general game being more positive in the case of Animal Crossing and your newer stuff, I might even make a mod when you release your game if I see anyone else saying that it is too bright, in general it is a really small problem.
Just a random idea to spruce up the reaction system: maybe there could be reactions not based on a bar that you follow but instead a timing/delay you need to learn, or something that's based on an animation that's happening. Not necessarily even the attacker's animation. Or something like you can hit the button when the bar is on top of the crit point but it's even better if it's exactly half a beat later?

Or like Mother 3 with the "hidden beat" system in the music.
Tobias 1115~4Y
It does bother me that the eyes are directed to the bar at the bottom rather than the more visually interesting animations, so I considered just having a ! appear above the character's head or something like that. But I also like that the bar makes it explicit where the ranges - especially the bonus ranges - are, which would be harder to do with a simple prompt. It's something I might experiment with though; I've gone with the bar because that's what MARDEK did, though Taming Dreams just had a ! appear without a bar for its reactions.
Or even cues that are placed in the environment? Like I don't know if it makes or has to make sense but if you time the button press when a plant somewhere in the arena looks a particular way, it causes the plant to release poisonous fumes that cause extra damage to the enemies. Or there's a stalactite or icicle that looks like it's about to fall, or a snowball is perched somewhere ready to roll off. Obviously this would all be based on which general environment you're in but maybe you could at least get away with random spawning and placement?
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