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First Contact? Interesting Developments
4 years ago2,016 words
I wrote ∞ a post recently ∞ about a couple of intriguing threads in r/UFOs hinting at some kind of organised ET contact later this year. There have been some interesting developments since then: one of the posters who wrote their prophecy seven years ago returned, distraught, while the other prophecy post has received two separate - but clashing - debunkings. I also found another site that's written as if by a collection of aliens who are also intending to make contact this year? All very odd.

First, ∞ here's the 7-year old post I linked to last time in which someone claims to have had extensive abduction experiences ∞, during which it was revealed to them that the aliens would make contact either on the 8th or 18th of July 2021 (years in the future when the post was written).

Interest in it exploded recently on r/UFOs - from what I can tell - due to all the recent government acknowledgements etc about the UFO phenomenon being genuine, plus an upcoming report from the Pentagon to congress (or something, I don't know the US political details) next month revealing at least some of what they know about the UFO phenomenon.

It seemed like maybe the poster from years ago knew something, which the government is now preparing for.

∞ This poster returned with a looong, frantic rant just a couple of days ago ∞ (I notice their account is now deleted), in which they said... well, a whole lot of things. They regretted posting on Reddit, there's been a slight change of plans re the aliens' intentions because they'll be leaving and another race will acquire the Earth instead. They talk a lot about loneliness and the pain the recurring abductions have caused them throughout their life.

People have apparently interpreted it as strong evidence that the whole thing was made up because of convenient details, inconsistencies, or - in my opinion bizarre - assumptions about how this person's mental state should be. Several people threw the term 'schizophrenic' around; maybe most seem to assume some sort of mental illness was behind the whole thing (because that's always an easy explanation for anything abnormal).

But surely if someone was repeatedly abducted by aliens and told the things this person claims to have been told, their mind and life would be completely ravaged by it!

Their new overall message is far colder and potentially worrying than their post seven years ago. They talk about how the aliens just don't care, are capable of cold, calculating harm, they fought a war over ownership of the Earth long ago, and they'll be replaced soon anyway so the new owners might be far less kind.

I don't want this post to be true. I suspect others feel the same way too, and express that through doubt and debunking or dismissal.

∞ I also mentioned r/TrueHistoryOfEarth last time ∞: a subreddit set up (also) seven years ago, which has only recently been posted in by its sole moderator/owner/whatever, who goes by TheTraveler3649, and claims to be an alien called 'Adam' (not their real name) who's lived among humans for 40 years. They talk about the establishing of a connection to 'The Link' - a kind of interstellar internet - which we'll soon all be able to use to view videos of events from our planet's history that they recorded.

Someone noticed that weirdly, an enormous chunk of the internet - millions of Pentagon IP addresses specifically - had been assigned to some newly-created obscure company called Global Resource Systems LLC, as if in preparation for this... though others have pointed out that it's some cybersecurity-related 'honeypot' for capturing foreign (primarily Chinese) cyber terrorists, or that the company name is identical to one run once by some kind of scammer, or something... I forget. I've read various threads about it but can't say I've retained much of it, as I don't know anything much about the technical background of the internet anyway.

∞ Some (very crass and aggressive) person claimed to have insider knowledge that the whole thing was part of a viral marketing campaign for Marvel's The Eternals ∞, including a bunch of links that purportedly support their claim of having insider knowledge.

The film is about a group of aliens who arrived in a standard black triangle ship who've been living among humanity for most of our history, guiding our development. Both TheTraveler3649's post and the trailer mention 7000 years, and the debunker claimed that 'The Aquatics' TheTraveler3649 mentioned are the race the Marvel hero Namor The Submariner belongs to. They claimed that soon hugely impressive CGI videos will start appearing on that sub, which are actually just scenes from the first 15 minutes of the film, which explores humanity's growth through the eras.

So case closed, right?

But the subreddit was set up long before the film was conceived. So that's interesting.

Some people have been theorising that The Eternals tells the story that it does to familiarise people with a truth that's soon to be revealed. But brains are quick to make connections that aren't there due to similarities to what they're thinking about at the time (like mine in this post).

∞ People also found out today that years ago, there was a post in the r/TrueHistoryOfEarth subreddit by TheTraveler3649 about being a time traveler ∞, so clearly it was 'a time travel LARP' that never took off, and transformed into an aliens one much later.

So... which one is it? Is it a failed time travel thing, or is it promotion for The Eternals? Those are quite unrelated things.

I find it interesting how apparently quickly, proudly, and firmly people - who, importantly, are actively posting on a UFO subreddit - announce the debunking of things like this. It's been proven to be a 'larp' now, that's it, it's done. Doesn't matter that the evidence they're basing that on isn't crystal-clear; it's clear enough for them because it's in line with what they roughly expected anyway, or they want to look clever and perceptive rather than like a duped fool.

It's like people who are presented with UFO videos but 'don't believe in UFOs', who scoff at the idea of it being alien and unknown, but readily accept the first-given mundane explanation without question because that gels more easily with what they already believe they know about the world.

Personally I'm just regarding these Reddit threads curiously from a distance, like with most things... though the attitudes I'm seeing remind me of the harshness of my own old communities in ways that isn't exactly pleasant. I'd rather embrace wonder, myself.

∞ Someone linked to this very odd site which claims to be in part written by a race of short grey-skinned aliens called the P'ntl, in preparation for First Contact, which will occur in late 2021 ∞.

It's interesting comparing the general vibe of that site (most of which is accessed via the hamburger menu in the upper left) with the harshness I've seen a lot of in r/UFOs. It's soft, friendly, feminine, with talk about how best to ensure that the awkward meetings with friendly aliens (they'll be just as scared as us!) go smoothly. The whole thing makes me think it's written by a dreamy middle-aged woman who's into magic crystals and reiki; the art style of the alien portraits is in line with that too. So different to the crass accusations and talk of shadowy government conspiracies in the male sphere.

∞ The site contains a page called 'Evidence' ∞, which is a bunch of photos of supposed hand prints in dust, and some videos of lights in the sky that may or may not be UFOs. Well, I'm convinced!!

It's weird, though, because there's also ∞ a 'Documents' page ∞ containing pdfs of PowerPoint presentations that look and sound like they were made by a friendly lady in HR, but which talk about protocol for meeting these not-greys and for learning telepathy, which is their preferred mode of communication. There's one called 'Who is Sandia Really?', which I assumed would give some credits of real people behind the creative project... but it actually thanks the P'ntl for their help, and talks about the events around establishing contact with them.


Wouldn't it be so weird if something like this was how aliens made contact? Not some huge mothership that loomed over the White House lawn, beaming down imposing celestial ambassadors, but some quaint little get-together full of awkward handshakes with kind, bashful little smiling people who served tea.

I get the impression that I'm just missing something with this specific thing - the whole thing does come across as the creative project of a bored, mystically-minded housewife, the sort who'd typically be into cute elves or fairies or mediumship and ghosts, and I've barely looked into it (I did follow the Twitter account, but haven't seen any of its posts) - but like with all the other stuff, I find it amusing entertaining the idea that it could possibly be true!

Also interesting that they claim to be from Zeta Reticuli, like both Bob Lazar and Betty & Barney Hill claimed of their alien-related encounters, though that's how lore develops so it's not hugely notable really.

They also stress the importance of telepathy for communication - another thing common in the lore - but have all this language stuff including pronunciations of their written words? Who transcribed those words into the Latin alphabet, and why would they have chosen letters that don't even seem to reflect the sound? Why would a telepathic species - who telepathically transfer ideas and images rather than sentences - have a language at all? Making up a language for your fantasy world can be fun though, as Tolkien could attest to.

Oh, and that site also talks about Sasquatch, so there's that. Then there's a whole presentation about 'Archeoplanetography', which is essentially just pareidolia drawings interpreting geography as forms like faces, all of which are a stretch.

I don't get the impression it's trying to genuinely convince anyone, but then... huh? What even is it, and why would people have made it? I suppose there are ∞ all kinds of bizarre things in the world though. ∞ Creativity manifests in all kinds of ways! I mean look at what I'm doing! This may just have just been some poor person's personal project that got dragged into the UFOs mess due to converging revelations.

I'm not posting about any of this stuff because I want to convince you it's true or anything. I just find it entertaining! I'm particularly interested in human psychology as it pertains to belief, and seeing what might be a cultural shift regarding UFOs/UAPs brings out a lot of fascinating human behaviours.

It does seem that there are objects actively and intelligently monitoring us though - they seem to congregate around nuclear sites, and have the ability to disarm or even arm nuclear weapons in their bunkers - so personally I think that any speculation about whether they're here is outdated; the who or what and why seem more worth wondering about now. But I get that you wouldn't see it that way if you haven't gone down the rabbit hole as I have.

It'll be interesting to see what - if anything - the Pentagon actually releases in the coming month or so, anyway.

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