Some Reputable Names Supporting The Reality of UFOs
4 years ago1,254 words
Here are some brief clips of some famous, respected minds speaking of the UFO/UAP phenomenon with sombre concern rather than ridicule!
I've been continuing to follow the developments regarding what might be gradual disclosure with regards to UFOs every day for a while now, though it's been two weeks since I last posted about it?? Time flies, apparently! I thought I posted that like three or four days ago!
∞ the last post ∞, I wrote about two interesting stories on Reddit from people with prophecies about imminent alien contact.
One of them, in the subreddit r/TrueHistoryOfEarth,
∞ was revealed to be a 'larp' by its creator after people dug into it and doxxed him ∞. That's a shame, and the internet's a horrible place (because of the doxxing, I mean).
The other one is still apparently actively being discussed in the subreddit created for that purpose,
∞ r/Throawaylien ∞. This one was the most interesting to me anyway; it's the one that predicted something will happen on the 18th of July, which is very close.
A few posts have claimed to have dug up the identity of the person behind the original abduction account, though for the most part I've been surprised by how many voices express variations of "I know it's probably not true, but I want to pretend as if it is because I enjoy the sense of wonder", which is my view too.
It's like watching a magician; you know they're not exactly
casting real magic spells, but some people choose to just go along with the trick and experience the awe, while others instantly point out the strings and sleight of hand and... what, feel clever, maybe? I can only guess.
Or I suppose I have some experience of that. Some of my first experiences with YouTube - and the internet in general, really - were diving deeply into debates about how religious beliefs are absolute nonsense from a scientific perspective. One of the biggest names among these atheist debaters was Ben-Stiller-lookalike
Sam Harris, who I think is or was a neurosurgeon or something like that? He comes across as hyper-rational, sharply intelligent, and calmly contemplative, which served him very well and earned him a lot of admiration in that sphere. He was one of what were called the
∞ 'Four Horsemen' ∞ - alongside Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, and Daniel Dennett - who seem to have started off the whole 'New Atheism' movement.
Here he is talking - in a podcast with Ricky Gervais (who I just find obnoxious here), of all things - about how UFOs seem to be the real deal, he's been reached out to by important ex-military people, and will soon take part in a zoom call with them because they're concerned about how to reveal what they know without causing mass panic.
This is a fairly big deal, I'd say!
(The impression I get from this specific slice of a conversation is that Harris is familiar with some new developments - perhaps some stuff other people haven't been told about - while Gervais is only aware of the surface stuff everyone's had in their minds for years, so it's all still just a joke to him. The contrast is irritating, like hearing someone make jokes about a person they aren't yet aware recently died.)
People are suspecting that various media figures might be briefed first to ease the disclosure rather than revealing it bluntly and causing a War Of The Worlds type of panic (though the world's so different I wonder if that'd even be the case these days; people barely seem to care about what's been announced already).
It'll interesting to see if that turns out to be the case. Perhaps there is some huge cultural shift on the horizon.
One of the alien/UFO subreddits
∞ linked to a post in r/Psychic where people were talking about how they're getting feelings that something big is going to happen soon ∞. I suspect pretty much none of you reading this would buy into the idea that anyone actually has psychic powers - and I'm not exactly a proponent myself - but there do seem to be various phenomena that hint at some kind of subtle perception beyond our basic senses, so I'm open to the idea that maybe we have some faint, subconscious remnant of whatever sense some animals use to hide from imminent storms before humans detect them with our tools.
∞ I started a Twitter poll ∞ asking "Have you been having a subconscious feeling lately that something feels different, or that some big change might happen soon?". Only around 40% of people said no, which surprised me; maybe there is something in the air, so to speak? Though it's notable that we're (probably?) coming out of the pandemic and our lifestyles are likely to change as a result of that. I also wonder if the same poll would get a similar response at any time of the year; the question is so vague that it's essentially inviting people to interpret faces in the clouds.
Still, I wonder.
There's supposed to be a report from the Pentagon (the one Harris was talking about) coming out on or by the 25th of this month, which is very, very soon. Whether it'll actually reveal anything new or interesting or world-changing is being debated, and impossible to know in advance. Some people say it'll be more of the same ("we don't know what they are"), while others are hoping the US military will reveal they've had alien craft and bodies for decades.
There are many more outlandish ideas too; imagining little big-eyed greys in flying saucers might be incredibly naive, and the fundamental nature of the 'life' behind these things might be very different to what we know. Lots of talk about extra-dimensional or pure consciousness entities; minds that have long since transcended their physical cocoons, or which never had them in the first place (I'm reminded of that very short story
∞ They're Made Out Of meat ∞, which is worth a read if you've never seen it!). Who knows!
Also, in case you're unaware, former president Barack Obama said - also in this weird context of a talk with a British comedian - that UFOs appear to be a real thing, but 'we' don't know what they are:
Another former president, Bill Clinton, said a very similar thing:
Worth noting since I'd assume these people would have a high degree of credibility (and familiarity) in many people's eyes, even if they're likely less informed than some of the people more intertwined with this specific problem, like Luis Elizondo.
There's tons more, but I don't know who'll bother to read this or care so I'll leave it at this for now. Is a new way of conceiving of our reality just over the horizon? Or will this all blow over disappointingly? Either way, it seems the narrative regarding the phenomenon is shifting from ridicule to more serious study.