Playable Piano Pieces - Part 1
2 years ago - Edited 2 years ago704 words
I've uploaded 13 intermediate-level piano pieces I've composed over the years!
I started
∞ a YouTube channel specifically for my music ∞...
∞ five months ago?? ∞ I thought it was one or two months at most! Time's going by too fast...
I've been meaning to add to it for ages, but I know the number of people who'd ever care about this music isn't going to be very high, so it's been tough to find the motivation to prepare the videos. The last one was three months ago! Annoying!
The first piece I added there,
Rival Blade - a piano solo I composed late last year - was actually part of a series - or series of series - of piano pieces I've been adding to for years. Though I've technically been playing the piano since I was 16 - almost two decades (ugh, unpleasant fact, that) - I've never really developed my skills beyond an early intermediate/hobbyist level. I'm not interested enough in performance to put the time and effort in. But I'd still like to be able to play
some of my stuff, so these pieces have been attempts at composing something within the range of my limited skill level and patience. Relatively easy to play and quick to learn.
I thought I'd try adding the whole lot to that channel, in roughly chronological composition order, starting with the earliest group that I composed between 2012 and 2019. I think I've posted some of them online before, though I can't recall which ones or where (which is why I want a single location for everything!). Feels like a lifetime ago when I composed some of them, though I cleaned up the sheet music (like two or three years ago when I originally meant to add them as a Bandcamp album...) and was pleasantly surprised by the coherent structures and creative ideas in most of them. Not too bad, considering how little music theory I understood back then!
I could play most of them at some point, but never at a level that'd make a recording of my performance better than the computer's. Even if I were skilled enough, I don't have the equipment to record myself, so the sound is digitally generated.
They're generally gentle and have no connection to an experience like a game or similar, so I'm expecting minimal interest, but if you're an amateur pianist yourself then maybe it could be entertaining trying to play them. Some are more accessible than others; I've marked the difficulty with stars (out of five) in the top left corner.
I've tried to classify them into sets based on the general life period I composed them in, and I've got two and a half sets so far; the third is still in progress. Set one has 13 (or 18) pieces, and I want to upload them all - one a day - and update this post when I do. So, the list:
Playable Piano Pieces 1
Turret in the Woods
The Toymaker
Camel Ride
Tin Teapot Jig
Steps to the Sky
The Tense Prince's Swanky Sibling
Mumbling Mummers
Sinistral Twirl
Tranquil Iridescence
My music has brought me a lot of personal satisfaction over the years. There are plenty of reasons why minds other than my own wouldn't care for it, but maybe at least one person will!
I know I would have appreciated things like this when I was first learning and hungry for accessible sheet music that wasn't just extreme reductions of video game or pop music.
I'll just be happy to be able to archive it in a single place. Someone a while back seemed to be under the impression that they were doing something I'd disapprove of by having copies of my music on their computer, but I'd actually prefer it if people downloaded and kept copies in case something happens to my many backups!